Christoph Hauert

Associate Member

Research interests: evolution of cooperation, evolutionary dynamics, structured populations, social networks, game theory, adaptive dynamics

Research interests: evolution of cooperation, evolutionary dynamics, structured populations, social networks, game theory, adaptive dynamics

Fixation probabilities on super-stars revisited
J. Theor. Biol. 382: 44-56
Jamieson-Lane, A. & Hauert, C.
Stochastic evolutionary games in dynamic populations
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112 (29): 9064-9069
Huang, W., Hauert, C. & Traulsen, A.
Evolutionary Game Dynamics in Populations with Heterogenous Structures
PLoS Comp. Biol. 10 (4): e1003567
Maciejewski, W., Fu, F. & Hauert, C.
Origin and Structure of Dynamic Cooperative Networks
Scientific Reports 4.142361111
Wardil, L. & Hauert, C.
Social evolution in structured populations
Nature Communications 2.575694444
Debarre, F., Hauert, C. & Doebeli, M.
Consolidating Birth-Death and Death-Birth Processes in Structured Populations
Zukewich, J., Kurella, V., Doebeli, M., Hauert, C.
Intra- and intergenerational discounting in the climate game
Nature Climate Change 3: 1025–1028
Jacquet, J., Hagel, K., Hauert, C., Marotzke, J., Röhl & Milinski, M.
Emergence of stable polymorphisms driven by evolutionary games between mutants
Nature Communications 0.763194444
Huang, W., Haubold, B., Hauert, Ch. & Traulsen, A.
Shame and honour drive cooperation
Biol. Lett. 7 (6): 899-901
Jacquet, J., Hauert, Ch., Traulsen, A. & Milinski, M.
Social learning promotes institutions for governing the commons
Nature 466: 861-863
Sigmund, K., De Silva, H., Traulsen, A. & Hauert, Ch.