
Professor G.G.E. Scudder taught entomology at the University of British Columbia for over forty years until his retirement in 1999. During the course of his career he inspired thousands of undergraduate students and contributed to the training of well over one hundred graduate students. In the year of his retirement an endowment was created to honour the contributions made by Professor Scudder throughout his career. Interest accrued by the endowment is used to support an annual lecture (The G.G.E. Scudder Lecture in Entomology) by a prominent entomologist, exposing students, faculty and guests to major research accomplishments and worldwide expertise in entomology.
This lecture series supercedes the G.J. Spencer Memorial Lecture in Entomology, held annually from 1967 through 1999. Professor Spencer was the first professor of entomology at U.B.C.; Professor Scudder was his successor and presented the final lecture in the series.
The G.G.E. Scudder Lecture in Entomology is hosted by the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and held annually in the fall term. The inaugural lecture in the series was held in October, 2001.
Previous Geoffrey G.E. Scudder Lecturers
Year | Lecturer | Affiliation | Title of seminar |
2006 | Walter S. Leal | University of California-Davis | Bug's life in the fast lane: Rapid binding, release & inactivation of pheromones |
2005 | Naomi E. Pierce | Harvard University | Ants and the evolution of blue butterflies |
2004 | May Berenbaum | University of Illinois | Gut reactions - how insects eat plants |
2003 | Penny Gullan | University of California-Davis | The Biology and Evolution of Scale Insects |
2002 | Peter W. Price | Northern Arizona University | Macroevolutionary Theory on Macroecological Patterns: Distribution, Abundance and Population Dynamics |
2001 | Marc J. Klowden | University of Idaho | Thinking like a mosquito: the physiological control of behaviour |