October 21, 2024 02:15 pm
Life Sciences Centre, LSC 1002 LT2
Michael Sadelain and David Klenerman
Michael Hayden
Gairdner Symposium: in person and online
- Date: Monday, October 21, 2:15– 4:00pm PT
- Location: LSC 1002 LT2 Life Sciences Institute, UBC, 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 2A1
- Zoom: Meeting ID: email to RSVP
- Hosted by Dr. Michael Hayden, Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia
This free inspiring public lecture will feature:
- 1. Professor Sir David Klenerman - Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award 2024.
“For the fundamental and applied research that led to a revolutionary and affordable method to sequence DNA on a massive scale, which has dramatically accelerated discoveries in the life sciences and medicine.”
Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
- 2. Dr. Michel Sadelain - Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award 2024
“For seminal contributions to the conception, development and application of CD19-CAR T cell therapy for cancer.”
Director, Center for Cell Engineering, Stephen and Barbara Friedman Chair, Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
For more information: Vancouver Gairdner Symposium & Gairdner Foundation