Congratulations to the new fellows of the Royal Society of Canada:
Trish Schulte (Zoology)
"Patricia Schulte is a world-leading authority in evolutionary physiology. She is internationally recognized for her work linking genomics, epigenomics, biochemistry and physiology to assess the performance of fishes in a changing environment. Her pioneering work on the molecular mechanisms that underlie inter-individual variation in resilience to environmental change has had significant implications for both the conservation of natural fish populations and aquaculture in a changing world."

Mike Whitlock (Zoology)
"Michael Whitlock is distinguished for his contributions to theoretical and empirical population genetics. He is responsible for many of the foundational population-genetic results about how evolution works in a spatial context, and he has made significant contributions to the methodology of measuring evolutionary processes. Whitlock has written a leading text on statistical methods and played a key role in establishing data archiving for the major publications in his field."
Together with Trish and MIke, seven more UBC faculty members were elected to the RSC.