Rachel Germain

Assistant Professor

I study the ecology and evolution of species coexistence in spatially-structured landscapes – how historical abiotic environments, competitive interactions, and dispersal have shaped how species interact with each other and their environments, and the outcome of those interactions for the distribution of biodiversity.

George Mercer award, Ecological Society of America

For Research

In recognition of recent PNAS paper, Experimental dispersal reveals characteristic scales of biodiversity in a natural landscape by R. Germain, S. Y. Strauss, B. Gilbert

Jasper Loftus-Hills Young Investigator Award

For Research

American Society of Naturalists

Biotic interactions affect fitness across latitudes, but only drive local adaptation in the tropics
bioRxiv 1:41
Anna Hargreaves, Rachel Germain, Megan Bontrager, Joshua Persi, and Amy Angert