Melody Salehzadeh

Ph.D. student

Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Dr. Kiran Soma investigating the regulation of glucocorticoid production in the immune and neural systems.

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    Cell and Developmental Biology, Comparative Physiology
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    PhD, Zoology                                                               Sep 2018 - Present
    Friedman Scholar
    University of British Columbia
    Advisor: Dr. Kiran K. Soma
    Concentration: Local regulation of glucocorticoids in the immune and neural systems/Immunologic endocrinology


    BSc, Combined Major in Science                           Sep 2013 - Jan 2018
    University of British Columbia
    Concentration: Chemistry, Life Sciences, Statistics

Melody completed her B.Sc. in Combined Major in Science, combining Life Sciences, Chemistry and Statistics at UBC in 2017, working in the lab of Prof. Soma. As an undergraduate, Melody received the Quinn Research Assistantship and the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award. She also received undergraduate travel awards to present her data at the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology conference.

Melody’s thesis is focused on local steroid production in the immune and neural systems. Melody is particularly interested in investigating the effects of early-life stress on the regulation of corticosterone (i.e., "stress hormone") in the thymus and brain. Melody earned an NSERC CGS-M fellowship and an NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship to conduct this novel research.

Friedman Scholar

For Research

Friedman Award for Scholars in Health


Graduate Student Excellence Award

For Other

This award aims to celebrate the accomplishment of graduate students (MSc or PhD) within the Department of Zoology. This award will be given during the to a student who displays strong academic achievements during their degree as well as strong service within the department and their community.



For Research

NSERC - Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral
May 2020 - April 2024


For Research

NSERC - Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program