Eric B. (Rick) Taylor
Office phone
Research areaEcology, Evolution
Lab members
Lab Website
B.Sc. (Hon. 1981), MSc (1984), PhD (1989, University of B.C., Vancouver)
NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellow (1989-91): Dept. of Biology and Marine Gene Probe Lab, Dalhousie University
Canadian Government Visiting Research Scientist (1991-93), Pacific Biological StationKillam Faculty Research Fellow (2002-2003)
Fellow, Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Past-Chair, Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (2014-2018).
My research focuses on understanding patterns of genetic variation within and between natural populations, the processes that promote and organize such variation, and their relevance to the origins and conservation of biodiversity. In particular, I am interested in population structure and the historical and contemporary processes that influence population structure, speciation and hybridization (both ecological and genetic mechanisms of divergence and persistence in the face of gene flow), and the implications of these processes to biodiversity conservation. We develop and apply techniques in molecular biology to address questions in the evolution and ecology of natural fish populations. Genetic/genomic, morphological, and ecological, studies are conducted in the general fields of population genetics, molecular ecology and systematics, and conservation genetics and biodiversity. I am a past Director of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum (2013-2014; 2015-2020) and currently the Director of the Fish Collection. I teach undergraduate courses in Diversity and Evolution of Fishes (Biol. 465) and the Honours students' research colloquium (Biol 447).