Anne Dalziel

evolutionary physiology & ecological genetics, integrative biology of adaptation

An animal's capacity for locomotion can influence its ability to successfully perform a variety of ecologically important tasks (e.g. escaping from predators, attracting mates, reproducing), but we know very little about the mechanisms by which activity capacity evolves. For my PhD dissertation, I am studying the physiological and metabolic traits that are associated with differences in swimming capacity between non-migratory and migratory marine populations of the threespine stickleback. I am also testing to see if these traits have evolved in parallel in a number of independent stream-resident populations, which is suggestive of natural selection.

UBC Science Achievement Awards

For Service

University Graduate Fellowship

For Research

University Graduate Fellowship

For Research

NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship

For Research
(Perspective) Ecological proteomics: Finding molecular markers that matter
Molecular Ecology, 21: 3382–3384
Dalziel, AC, Schulte PM
Correlates of prolonged swimming performance in F2 hybrids of migratory and non-migratory threespine stickleback ecotypes
Journal of Experimental Biology, 215: 3587-3596.
Dalziel, AC, Schulte PM
Mechanisms underlying parallel reductions in aerobic capacity in non-migratory threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations
Journal of Experimental Biology, 215: 746-759.
Dalziel, AC, Ou M, and Schulte PM
Repeated reductions in prolonged swimming capacity following freshwater colonization in threespine stickleback
Evolution, 66: 1226–1239.
Dalziel AC, Vines TH, and Schulte PM
Linking genotypes to phenotypes and fitness: how mechanistic biology can inform molecular ecology
Molecular Ecology, 18: 4997-5017
Dalziel AC, Rogers SM, and Schulte PM
Molecular evolution of cytochrome c oxidase in high performance fish (Teleostei: Scombroidei)
Journal of Molecular Evolution, 62: 319-331.
Dalziel AC, Moyes CD, Fredriksson E, and Lougheed SC
Mitochondrial enzyme content in the muscles of high performance fish: Evolution and variation among fiber types
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 288: R163-R172
Dalziel AC, Moore SE, and Moyes CD
Muscle remodeling in relation to blood supply: Implications for seasonal changes in mitochondrial enzymes
Journal of Experimental Biology, 208: 515-522.
McClelland GB, Dalziel AC, Fragoso N, and Moyes CD
Tissue-specific expression of male-transmitted mitochondrial DNA and its implications for rates of molecular evolution in Mytilus mussels
Genome, 45: 348-335.
Dalziel AC, and Stewart DT