☐ Receive approval from supervisor
☐ Approval by all supervisory committee members (committee members should have minimum 2 weeks to review and return comments)
☐ Obtain signatures on the Zoology Master’s Thesis Approval Form. List the department examiner, and exam date and time of your defense. It's best that your supervisor contacts the departmental examiner to see they are available to serve as departmental examiner for your defence.
☐ Submit the Zoology Master’s Thesis Approval Form and a PDF copy of your thesis to the zool.gradprgm@ubc.ca at least 2 weeks before your desired defence date
☐ The Graduate Program Manager will find a Chairperson and book a room (or create Zoom Meeting Room if virtual) for the defence
☐ Pass your defence
☐ After revisions have been approved by your committee, complete the (1) Submission Cover Sheet and (2) Masters Thesis Approval forms and submit them to zool.gradprgm@ubc.ca for review before submission to G+PS
☐ Once the 2 forms above are submitted (you will be cc’d in the email to G+PS), set up your cIRcle account so you can upload your thesis to the cIRcle database. You will be notified when your account has been activated and you are able to submit your thesis, as well as when your thesis has been accepted and your program closed.
Remember to apply for graduation! Graduation happens in May and November of each year. You can apply for graduation even if you haven’t defended yet (but you won’t be approved to graduate without having completed all your requirements so check the Deadlines page for when your program requirements should be completed for a specific graduate ceremony).
Timeline before Defense |
Action |
Tasks |
About A Month Before |
Pre-Meeting: Thesis Approval |
About Two Weeks Before |
Circulate the revised thesis and approval form |
The Week of your Defense |
Setting Up the Meeting |
Day of Defense |
Defense |
9. Please be ready to join the meeting 15 minutes before the official start time
After Defense |
Post-meeting |