The Moerman Lab Picture Gallery

This site is under construction. However, here is a sample of what we hope to provide in the future.

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  Moerman labPicture GalleryPublicationsNematode links
This panel shows the various muscle cells within a nematode and the structure of sarcomeres in C.elegans muscle.   This image shows the lineage derivation of all the body wall muscle cells. The picture is modified from Sulston et al, 1983 Dev. Biol. 100:64-119.
This picture is from Schnabel et al 1997 Dev. Biol. 184:234-265.  

These panels are unpublished images of myoD expression through development.

Early development

MyoD expression - intermediate development   MyoD expression - comma stage
MyoD expression - two-fold stage   This picture is from Moerman et al 1996 Dev. Biol.173:228. It shows the migration of muscle cells from their lateral position in the embryo to their final positions where they will form the dorsal and ventral muscle quadrants on the left side of the animal.



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