Selected publications from the Moerman lab over the past several years.

Selected research articles

Invited Reviews and Book Chapters

Some recent abstracts


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Selected research articles.

Fire, A., D. Albertson, S.W. Harrison, and D.G. Moerman, 1991. Production of antisense RNA leads to effective inhibition of gene expression in C. elegans muscle. Development 113: 503 514.

Moerman, D.G., J.E. Kiff and R.H Waterston. 1991. Germline excision of the transposable element Tc1 in C. elegans. Nucleic Acids Research 19: 5669-5672.

Gilchrist, E. and D.G. Moerman. 1992. Mutations in the sup-38 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans suppress muscle attachment defects in unc-52 mutants. Genetics 132: 431-442.

Rogalski, T., B. Williams, G. Mullen and D.G. Moerman. 1993. Products of the unc-52 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans are homologous to the core protein of the mammalian basement membrane heparon sulfate proteoglycon. Genes & Development 7: 1471-1484.

Rogalski, T., Gilchrist, E., Mullen, G. and Moerman, D.G. 1995. Mutations in the unc-52 gene responsible for body wall muscle defects in adult Caenorhabditis elegans are located in alternatively spliced exons. Genetics 139: 159-169.

Moerman, D.G., H. Hutter, G.P. Mullen and R. Schnabel. 1996. Cell autonomous expression of perlecan and plasticity of cell shape in embryonic muscle of Caenorhabditis elegans. Developmental Biology 173: 228-242.

Lundquist, E.A., R.K. Herman, T.M. Rogalski, G.P. Mullen, D.G. Moerman and J.E. Shaw. 1996. The mec-8 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans encodes a protein with two RNA recognition motifs and regulates the processing of unc-52 transcripts. Development 122:1601-1610.

Schnabel, R., H. Hutter, D.G. Moerman and H. Schnabel 1997 Assessing normal development in C. elegans using a 4-D microscope: variability and regional specification during embryogenesis. Developmental Biololgy 184:234-265.

Hobert, O., D.G. Moerman, K.A. Clark, M.C. Beckerle, and G. Ruvkun 1999 A conserved LIM protein that affects muscular adherens junction integrity and mechanosensory function in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Cell Biology 144: 45-57.

Mullen, G., T. Rogalski, J. Bush, P. Rahmani Gorji, and D.G. Moerman 1999 Complex patterns of alternative splicing mediate the spatial and temporal distribution of Perlecan/UNC-52 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Molec. Biol. Cell 10:3205-3221.

Rogalski, T.M., G.M. Mullen, M. Gilbert, B. Williams and D.G. Moerman. 2000 UNC-112: a new protein required for myofilament initiation and organization in C. elegans . J. Cell Biol. 253-264.

Norman, K. and D.G. Moerman. 2000 The let-268 locus of C. elegans encodes a lysyl hydroxylase essential for type IV collagen secretion. Dev. Biol. 227: 690-705.

Invited Reviews and Book Chapters.

Moerman, D.G. and R.H. Waterston. 1989. Mobile elements in Caenorhabditis elegans and other nematodes. In: Mobile DNA. D. Berg and M. Howe (eds.) American Society of Microbiology, Washington, D.C.

Anderson, P., S. Emmons and D.G. Moerman. 1992. Discovery of Tcl in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. pp. 319-333 in The Dynamic Genome, edited by N. Federoff and D. Botstein, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, N.Y.

Moerman, D.G. and A. Fire. 1997. Muscle: structure, function and development. pp417-470. In Nematodes II, edited by D. Riddle et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, N.Y.

Moerman, D.G. 1999 Organ morphogenesis: A metalloprotease prepares the way. Curr. Biol. 9:701-703.

Rogalski, T.M., G. P. Mullen, J. A. Bush, E. J. Gilchrist and D. G. Moerman. 2001 UNC-52/perlecan isoform diversity and function in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biochem. Soc. Trans. Vol 29:171-176.

Some recent abstracts.

1. UNC-23 is a member of the BAG family of chaperone regulators and directly interacts with the non-inducible heat shock protein, HSP-1. Poupak Rahmani and Donald G. Moerman.

2. PAT-4 binds UNC-112 and Functions as an Adapter During Muscle Assembly. A. Craig Mackinnon, Hiroshi Qadota, Donald G. Moerman and Benjamin D. Williams.

3. PAT-6, a Homlog of Actopaxin, Binds to PAT-4/Integrin-Linked Kinase. Xinyi Lin1, Hiroshi Qadota, Don Moerman and Benjamin D. Williams.

4. Functional analysis of the 5 LIM domain containing adaptor protein, UNC-97. Ken Norman, Shaun Cordes, Hiroshi Qadota, Poupak Rahmani and Don Moerman.

5. Identification of UNC-112 interacting molecules. Hiroshi Qadota, Teresa Rogalski and Don Moerman.



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