Zoogeography              Lectures        Winter Term 2 – 2019

Here you can download course lecture materials when they become available.
A PDF of the lecture will be posted by the morning of that lecture.

Jan 2 - Intro
Jan 4 - Geography & Climate

Jan 7 - Species Distributions

Jan 7-9 - Determinants of Distributions
Jan 9 - Evolution of Distributions

Jan 14 - Dispersal
Jan 16 - Evolution of Dispersal Jan 21 - Speciation:
Concepts & Mechanisms

Jan 28 - Glaciation I
Jan 30 - Glaciation II

Feb 4 - Continental Drift
Feb 6 - Continental Drift Exercise!

Feb 25 - Evolutionary Lineages & Phylogenetics
  Feb 27 - Phylogenetic Community Structure

March 4  - Geography of Communities
March 6 - Endemism

March 18 & 20 - Diversity & Gradients

March 29, April 1 & 3
Climate Change

April 5 - No Class - End of Term

April 8-26
Final Exams

Review this previous Final Exam
for practice (key)