The 2025 EVO-WIBO meeting will be held at the Semiahmoo Resort near Blaine, Washington. This resort is right on a spit into Boundary Bay, near the border with British Columbia.
Accommodation for this year's meeting will be in hotel style rooms at Semiahmoo. Booking for housing will be separate from meeting registration this year; links for booking at greatly reduced conference rates will be provided soon, and we will creat a google sheet so potential roommates may find each other. It will be possible to stay offsite if desired, and only pay registration for the meetings which will include some meals. Meals will be held in the ballroom where we will also have our meeting. Registration includes all meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday morning, as well as several coffee breaks. (Note: Friday evening dinner is not included.)
Directions to Semiahmoo can be found from this Google map.
Registration will take place Friday night in the lobby near check-in at the Semiahmoo Resort.