Registration costs cover a bed for two nights [UPDATE: Accommodation is now full. Registration is still available for meeting plus food, but you would need to find your accommodation on your own.], food for three meals Saturday and breakfast Sunday, and registration for the meeting itself. Rooms come in two basic forms: DORMS: twin beds (which may be in a single room or shared with another) and HOUSE: rooms with Queen sized beds for couples or families (prices are listed per person, not per bed).

Special deal for student members of the American Society of Naturalists: All student members of the ASN will recieve a $40 discount on meeting registration. Joining ASN only costs $20 for students, so sign up for ASN here.

Charges are $220 for students, post-docs, or technicians in dorms and $320 for faculty in dorms. A place in a shared bed (i.e. double or Queen) in one of the Houses adds ~$60 to the registration cost.

Registration is in two parts:

1. Register for the meeting on this google form. Here you will indicate your dietary restrictions, talk and poster presentation preferences, and preferred roommates, if you choose.

2. Pay. There are three options for payment.

  1. Pay via Eventbrite. You can pay directly by credit card on that site. Payment processing charges (~$10 plus 2.9%) will be added by EventBrite. If you are paying via eventbrite for someone else, please e-mail Mike Whitlock to give the list of who you are paying for.
  2. Pay by check. Send a check for the appropriate amount to Mike Whitlock, Dept. of Zoology, UBC, 6270 University Blvd., Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4 CANADA. CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE OUT TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Please clearly indicate who the check is for. Please e-mail Mike Whitlock to tell him you plan to pay by check.
  3. UBC speedchart. UBC people can pay via this speedchart form and return it to Mike Whitlock.

  4. Registration will be open until March 3, 2023, or until space is filled. We have limited accommodation this year, so register as soon as possible!