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Publication page

This page contains links to most publications by members of the Schluter lab


Schluter, D., T. Veen, K. A. Thompson, G. L. Owens, D. J. Rennison. 2025. Sympatric coexistence with gene flow before speciation has completed. Molecular Ecology.

Sriramulu, P., D. Schluter, and D. I. Bolnick. 2025. Dynamics of infection and immunity over 50 years as marine stickleback adapt to freshwater. BioRxiv.


Schluter, D. 2024. Variable success in linking micro and macroevolution. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society 3: kzae016.
Reprint | Online volume: Global Perspective on Adaptive Radiation

Combrink, L. L., J. Golcher‐Benavides, A. L. Lewanski, J. A. Rick, W. C. Rosenthal, and C. E. Wagner. 2024. Population genomics of adaptive radiation. Molecular Ecology: e17574.

Härer, A, K. A. Thompson, D. Schluter, and D. J. Rennison. 2024. Associations between gut microbiota diversity and a host fitness proxy in a naturalistic experiment using threespine stickleback fish. Molecular Ecology 33:e17571.
Reprint | Supplement | Sequencing reads | R scripts

Thompson, K. A., Y. Brandvain, J. M. Coughlan, K. E. Delmore, H. Justen, C. R. Linnen, D. Ortiz-Barrientos, C. A. Rushworth, H. Schneemann, M. Schumer and R. Stelkens. 2024. The ecology of hybrid incompatibilities. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 16: a041440.


Rolland, J., L. F. Henao-Diaz, M. Doebeli, R. Germain, L. J. Harmon, L. L. Knowles, L. H. Liow, J. E. Mank, A. Machac, S. P. Otto, M. Pennell, N. Salamin, D. Silvestro, M. Sugawara, J. Uyeda, C. E. Wagner, D. Schluter. 2023. Conceptual and empirical bridges between micro and macroevolution. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 1181–1193.

Roesti, M., J. S. Groh, S. Blain, M. Huss, P. Rassias, D. I. Bolnick, Y. E. Stuart, C. L. Peichel, and D. Schluter. 2023. Species divergence under competition and shared predation. Ecology Letters 6: 111–123.
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Blain, S. D. Schluter, C. Adams, P-A. Amundsen, R. Knudsen, and L. Chavarie. 2023. Patterns and repeatability of multi-ecotype assemblages of sympatric Salmonids. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32:2257–2270.


Schluter, D. and L. H. Rieseberg. 2022. Three problems in the genetics of speciation by selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 119: e2122153119.

Thompson, K. A., C. L. Peichel, D. J. Rennison, M. D. McGee, A. Y. K. Albert, T. H. Vines, A. K. Greenwood, A. R. Wark, M. Schumer, and D. Schluter. 2022. Genetic evidence for environment-dependent hybrid incompatibilities in threespine stickleback. PLoS Biology 20: e3001469. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001469
Reprint | Supplement | Primer by Coughlan | Data on Dryad | R scripts

Thompson, K. A. and D. Schluter. 2022. Heterosis counteracts hybrid breakdown to forestall speciation by parallel natural selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences 289: 20220422.
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Chhina, A. K., K. A. Thompson and D. Schluter. 2022. Adaptive divergence and the evolution of hybrid trait mismatch in threespine stickleback. Evolution Letters 6: 34-45.
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Blain, S. A., L. Chavarie, M. H. Kinney, and D. Schluter. 2022. Test of frequency dependent selection in the evolution of a generalist phenotype. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8831.
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Irwin, D. and D. Schluter. 2022. Hybridization and the coexistence of species. American Naturalist 200: E93–E109.
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Freeman, B. G., M. Strimas-Mackey and E. T. Miller. 2022. Interspecific competition limits bird species’ ranges in tropical mountains. Science 377: 416–420.

Freeman, B. G., D. Schluter* and J. A. Tobias*. 2022. The latitudinal gradient in the rate of evolution of a biotic interaction trait. Ecology Letters 25:635–646.
* co-senior authors
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Freeman, B. G., J. Rolland, G. A. Montgomery, and D. Schluter. 2022. Faster evolution of a premating reproductive barrier is not associated with faster speciation rates in New World passerine birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences 289: 20211514.
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Freeman, B. G, G. A Montgomery, J. Heavyside, A. E. Moncrieff, O. Johnson, and B. M. Winger. 2022. On the predictability of phenotypic divergence in geographic isolation. Evolution 77: 26-35.

Schneemann, H., A. D. Munzur, K. A. Thompson and J. J. Welch. 2022. The diverse effects of phenotypic dominance on hybrid fitness. Evolution 76-12: 2846–2863.

Geneva, A.J., S. Park, D. G. Bock, P. L. H. de Mello, F. Sarigol, M. Tollis, C. M. Donihue, R. G. Reynolds, N. Feiner, A. M. R., J. D. Lauderdale, S. G. Minchey, A. J. Alcala, C. R. Infante, J. J. Kolbe, D. Schluter, D. B. Menke and J. B. Losos. 2022. Chromosome-scale genome assembly of the brown anole (Anolis sagrei), an emerging model species. Communications Biology 5, 1126. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-04074-5
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Schluter, D., K. B. Marchinko, M. E. Arnegard, H. Zhang, S. D. Brady, F. C. Jones, M. A. Bell, and D. M. Kingsley. 2021. Fitness maps to a large-effect locus in introduced stickleback populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118: e1914889118.
Reprint | Appendix

Thompson, K. A., M. Urquhart-Cronish, K. D. Whitney, L. H. Rieseberg, and D. Schluter. 2021. Patterns, predictors, and consequences of dominance in hybrids. American Naturalist 197: E72–E88.

Freeman, B. G. and M. W. Pennell. 2021. The latitudinal taxonomy gradient. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36: 778-786. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2021.05.003

Freeman, B. G., Y. Song, K. J. Feeley, and K. Zhu. 2021. Montane species track rising temperatures better in the tropics than in the temperate zone. Ecology Letters 24: 1697–1708.

McKenzie, J. L., A. Araújo, J. L. Smith, D. Schluter, and R. H. Devlin. 2021. Incomplete reproductive isolation and strong transcriptomic response to hybridization between sympatric sister species of salmon. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences 288: 20203020 https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.3020

Uyeda J.C., N. Bone, S. McHugh, J. Rolland, and M. W. Pennell. 2021. How should functional relationships be evaluated using phylogenetic comparative methods? A case study using metabolic rate and body temperature. Evolution 75: 1097-1105.

Broennimann O., B. Petitpierre, M. González-Suárez, J. Jeschke, J. Rolland, S. Bacher, and A. Guisan A. 2021. In or out? Native climatic niche innerness explains introduction success in exotic mammals. Nature Communications 12: 2353.

Drury J., J. Clavel, J. A. Tobias, J. Rolland, C. Sheard, and H. Morlon. 2021. Tempo and mode of morphological evolution are decoupled from latitude in birds. PloS Biology 19: e3001270.

Harmon L. J., M. W. Pennell, L. F. Henao Diaz, J. Rolland, B. Sipley, and J. Uyeda. 2021. Causes and Consequences of Apparent Timescaling Across All Estimated Evolutionary Rates. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 52: 587–609.

Chavarie, L., C. E. Adams, H. K. Swanson, M. S. Ridgway, W. M. Tonn, and C. C. Wilson. 2021. Ecological diversity. Pp 69-118 in A.M. Muir, C. C. Krueger, M. J. Hansen, and S. C. Riley (Eds.) The Lake Charr Salvelinus namaycush: Biology, Ecology, Distribution, and Management. Springer, NY.

Germain, R. M., S. P. Hart, M. M. Turcotte, S. P. Otto, J. Sakarchi, J. Rolland, T. Usui, A. L. Angert, D. Schluter, R. D. Bassar, M. T. Waters, F. Henao-Diaz, A. M. Siepielski. 2021. On the Origin of Coexisting Species. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36: 284–293.
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Roesti, M., D. N. Anstett, B. G. Freeman, J. A. Lee-Yaw, D. Schluter, L. Chavarie, J. Rolland, and R. Holzman. 2020. Pelagic fish predation is stronger at temperate latitudes than near the equator. Nature Communications 11: 1527.
Reprint | Behind the paper

Machac, A. 2020. The dynamics of bird diversity in the new world. Systematic Biology 69: 1180–1199.

Rolland, J., D. Schluter and J. Romiguier. 2020. Vulnerability to fishing and life history traits correlate with the load of deleterious mutations in teleosts. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37: 2192–2196.
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Thompson, K. A. 2020. Experimental hybridization studies suggest that pleiotropic alleles commonly underlie adaptive divergence between natural population. American Naturalist 196: E16–E22.

Chavarie, L., et al. 2020. Dietary vs non-dietary fatty acid profiles of lake trout morphs from Lake Superior and Great Bear Lake: Are fish really what they eat? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77: 1209–1220.

Freeman, B. G., M. Scholer, M. Boehm, J. Heavyside, and D. Schluter. 2020. Adaptation and latitudinal gradients in species interactions: nest predation in birds. American Naturalist 196: E160–E166.

Santangelo, J. S., C. Advenard, L. R. Rivkin, and K. A. Thompson. 2020. Multivariate phenotypic divergence along an urbanization gradient. Biology Letters 16: 20200511

Loiseau O., A. Weigand, S. Noben, J. Rolland, D. Silvestro, M. Kessler, M. Lehnert, and N. Salamin. 2020. Slowly but surely: gradual diversification and phenotypic evolution in the hyper-diverse tree fern family Cyatheaceae. Annals of Botany 125: 93–103.

Gillespie, R. G. G. M. Bennett, L. De Meester, J. L. Feder, R. C. Fleischer, L. J. Harmon, A. P. Hendry, M. L. Knope, J. Mallet, C. Martin, C. E. Parent, A. H. Patton, K. S. Pfennig, D. Rubinoff, D. Schluter, O. Seehausen, K. L. Shaw, E. Stacy, M. Stervander, J. T. Stroud, C. Wagner, G. O. U. Wogan. 2020. Comparing adaptive radiations across space, time, and taxa. Journal of Heredity 111: 1–20.


Miller, S. E., M. Roesti, and D. Schluter. 2019. A single interacting species leads to widespread parallel evolution of the stickleback genome. Current Biology 29: 530–537.e6.
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Xie, K. T., G. Wang, A. C. Thompson, J. I. Wucherpfennig, T. E. Reimchen, A. D. C. MacColl, D. Schluter, M. A. Bell, K. M. Vasquez, and D. M. Kingsley. 2019. DNA fragility in the parallel evolution of pelvic reduction in stickleback fish. Science 363: 81–84.
Reprint | F1000 | Research Highlight| Supplement

Thompson, K. A., M. M. Osmond, and D. Schluter. 2019. Parallel genetic evolution and speciation from standing variation. Evolution Letters 3: 129–141.
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Freeman, B. G, J. Tobias, and D. Schluter. 2019. Behavior influences range limits and patterns of coexistence across an elevational gradient in tropical bird diversity. Ecography 42: 1832–1840.

Rennison, D. J., S. M. Rudman, and D. Schluter. 2019. Genetics of adaptation: experimental test of a biotic mechanism driving divergence in traits and genes. Evolution Letters 3: 513–520.
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Rennison, D., S. M. Rudman, and D. Schluter. 2019. Parallel changes in gut microbiome composition and function during colonization, local adaptation and ecological speciation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences 286: 20191911.
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Rudman, S. M., J. M. Goos, J. B. Burant, K. V. Brix, T. C. Gibbons, C. J. Brauner and P. D. Jeyasingh. 2019. Ionome and elemental transport kinetics shaped by parallel evolution in threespine stickleback. Ecology Letters 22: 645–653.

Rolland, J. and F. Condamine. 2019. The contribution of temperature and continental fragmentation to amphibian diversification. Journal of Biogeography 46: 1857–1873.

Donati G., V. Parravicini, F. Leprieur, O. Hagen, T. Gaboriau, C. Heine, M. Kulbicki, J. Rolland, N. Salamin, C. Albouy, L. Pellissier. 2019. A process-based model supports an association between dispersal and the prevalence of species traits in tropical reef fish assemblages. Ecography 42: 2095–2106.

Condamine*, F.L., J. Rolland*, and H. Morlon. 2019. Assessing the causes of diversification slowdowns: temperature-dependent and diversity-dependent models receive equivalent support. Ecology Letters 22: 1900–1912.
*co-first authors.

Bay, R. A., E. B. Taylor, and D. Schluter. 2019. Parallel introgression and selection on introduced alleles in a native species. Molecular Ecology 28: 2802–2813.


Thompson, K. A., L. H. Rieseberg, and D. Schluter. 2018. Speciation and the city. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33: 815–826.

Rolland, J., D. Silvestro, D. Schluter, A. Guisan, O. Broenniman, and N. Salamin. 2018. Endothermy, climatic niche evolution and the distribution of vertebrate diversity. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 459–464.
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Freeman, B. G., M. N. Scholer, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, and J. W. Fitzpatrick. 2018. Climate change causes upslope shifts and mountaintop extirpations in a tropical bird community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 115: 11982–11987.

Freeman, B. G. and B. M. Beehler. 2018. Limited support for the “abundant centre” hypothesis in birds along a tropical elevational gradient: implications for the fate of lowland tropical species in a warmer future. Journal of Biogeography. 2018:1–12.

Samuk, K.M., J. Xue, and D.J. Rennison. 2018. Exposure to predators does not lead to the evolution of larger brains in experimental populations of threespine stickleback. Evolution 72: 916–929.
Reprint | Supplement | Data

Gygax, M., A. K. Rentsch, S. M. Rudman, and D. J. Rennison. 2018. Differential predation alters pigmentation in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:1589–1598.

Roesti, M. 2018. Varied genomic responses to maladaptive gene flow and their evidence. Genes 9: 298. doi.org/10.3390/genes9060298

Haenel, Q., T. G. Laurentino, M. Roesti, and D. Berner. 2018. Meta-analysis of chromosome-scale crossover rate variation in eukaryotes and its significance to evolutionary genomics. Molecular Ecology 27:2477–2497.

Brix, K. V., C. J. Brauner, D. Schluter, and C. M. Wood. 2018. Pharmacological investigation into mechanisms of Na+ uptake by Fundulus heteroclitus in freshwater: evidence that DAPI inhibits Na+/H+ exchangers. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C 211: 1–6.


Schluter, D. and M. Pennell. 2017. Speciation gradients and the distribution of biodiversity. Nature 546: 48–55.
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Freeman, B. G., G. A. Montgomery, and D. Schluter. 2017. Evolution and plasticity: Divergence of song discrimination is faster in birds with innate song than in song learners in Neotropical passerine birds. Evolution 71: 2230–2242.
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Freeman, B. G. and G. A. Montgomery. 2017. Using song playback experiments to measure species recognition between geographically isolated populations: A comparison with acoustic trait analyses. Auk 134: 857–870.

Bay1, R. A., M. E Arnegard1, G. L Conte1, J. Best, N. L Bedford, S. R McCann, M. E Dubin, Y. F. Chan, F. C Jones, D. M Kingsley, D. Schluter2, and K. Peichel2. 2017. Genetic coupling of female mate choice with polygenic ecological divergence facilitates stickleback speciation. Current Biology 27: 3344–3349.
1co-first authors; 2co-senior authors
Reprint | Supplement | Dryad data

Samuk, K., G. L. Owens, D. J. Rennison, K. E. Delmore, S. Miller, and D. Schluter. 2017. Gene flow and selection interact to promote adaptive divergence in regions of low recombination. Molecular Ecology 26: 4378–4390.
Reprint | Supplement | Perspective | F1000

Rudman, S. M., M. Kreitzman, K. M.A. Chan, and D. Schluter. 2017. Evosystem services: rapid evolution and the provision of ecosystem services. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 403–415.
Reprint | Reply to Faith et al

Miller, S. E., M. Barrueto, and D. Schluter. 2017. A comparative analysis of experimental selection on the stickleback pelvis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 1165–1176.
Reprint | Supplement

Germain, R. M., J. L. Williams, D. Schluter, and A. L. Angert. 2017. Moving character displacement beyond characters using contemporary coexistence theory. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33: 74–84.
Reprint | Supplement


Rudman, S. M. and D. Schluter. 2016. Ecological impacts of reverse speciation in threespine stickleback. Current Biology 26, 490–495.
Reprint | Supplement | Dispatch

Rudman, S. M., J. Heavyside, D. J. Rennison, and D. Schluter. 2016. Piscivore addition causes a trophic cascade within and across ecosystem boundaries. Oikos 125: 1782–1789.
Reprint | Data

Rennison, D. J., G. L. Owens, N. Heckman, D. Schluter and T. Veen. 2016. Rapid adaptive evolution of colour vision in the threespine stickleback radiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 283: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0242.
Reprint | Supplement | Data

Miller, S. E., K. M. Samuk and D. J. Rennison. 2016. An experimental test of the effect of predation upon behaviour and trait correlations in the threespine stickleback. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119: 117–125.

Schluter, D. 2016. Speciation, ecological opportunity, and latitude. American Naturalist 187: 1–18.
Reprint | F1000 | Dryad data

El-Sabaawi, R. W., M. L. Warbanski, S. M. Rudman, R. Hovel and B. M. Matthews. 2016. Investment in boney defensive traits alters organismal stoichiometry and excretion in fish. Oecologia 181: 1209. doi:10.1007/s00442-016-3599-0.

Gibbons, T. C., S. M. Rudman, and P. M. Schulte. 2016. Responses to simulated winter conditions differ between threespine stickleback ecotypes. Molecular Ecology 25: 764–775.

Vines, T., A. Dalziel, A. Albert, T. Veen, P. Schulte and D. Schluter. 2016. Cline coupling and uncoupling in a stickleback hybrid zone. Evolution 70: 1023–1038.

Erickson, P. A, A. M. Glazer, E. E. Killingbeck, R. M. Agoglia, J. Baek, S. M. Carsanaro, A. M. Lee, P. A. Cleves, D. Schluter, and C. T. Miller. 2016. Partially repeatable genetic basis of benthic adaptation in threespine sticklebacks. Evolution 70: 887–902.

Østbye, K., C. Harrod, F. Gregersen, T. Klepaker, M. Schulz, D. Schluter, and L. A. Vøllestad. 2016. The temporal window of ecological adaptation in postglacial lakes: a comparison of head morphology, trophic position and habitat use in Norwegian threespine stickleback populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 102.


Miller, S. E., D. Metcalf, and D. Schluter. 2015. Intraguild predation leads to genetically based character shifts in the threespine stickleback. Evolution 69: 3194–3203.
Reprint | Supplement | Dryad data

Conte, G. L., M. E. Arnegard, J. Best, Y. F. Chan, F. C. Jones, D. M. Kingsley, D. Schluter, and C. L. Peichel. 2015. Extent of QTL reuse during repeated phenotypic divergence of sympatric threespine stickleback. Genetics 201: 1189–1200.
Reprint | Supplement

Rennison, D. J., K. Heilbron, R. D..H. Barrett, and D. Schluter. 2015. Discriminating selection on lateral plate phenotype and its underlying gene, Ectodysplasin, in threespine stickleback. American Naturalist 185: 150–156.
Reprint | Appendix | Dryad data

Rudman, S. M., M. A. Rodriguez-Cabal, A. Stier, T. Sato, J. Heavyside, R. W. El-Sabaawi, and G. M. Crutsinger. 2015. Adaptive genetic variation mediates bottom-up and top-down control in an aquatic ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 282: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1234.


Arnegard, M. E., M. D. McGee, B. Matthews, K. B. Marchinko, G. L. Conte, S. Kabir, N. Bedford, S. Bergek, Y. F. Chan, F. C. Jones, D. M. Kingsley, C. L. Peichel and D. Schluter. 2014. Genetics of ecological divergence during speciation. Nature 511: 307–311.
Reprint | Supplement | Curr Biol Dispatch

Samuk, K., D. Iritani, and D. Schluter. 2014. Reversed brain size sexual dimorphism accompanies loss of parental care in white sticklebacks. Ecology and Evolution: ece3.1175.
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Marchinko, K. B., B. Matthews, M. E. Arnegard, S. M. Rogers and D. Schluter. 2014. Maintenance of a genetic polymorphism with disruptive natural selection in stickleback. Current Biology 24: 1289–1292.
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McGee, M. D., D. Schluter, and P. C. Wainwright. 2014. Functional basis of ecological divergence in sympatric stickleback. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 277.

Cleves, P. A., N. A. Ellis, M. T. Jimenez, S. Nunez, D. Schluter, D. M. Kingsley, and C. T. Miller. 2014. Evolved tooth gain in sticklebacks is associated with a cis-regulatory allele of Bmp6. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 111: 13912–13917.
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Miller, C. T., A. M. Glazer, B. R. Summers, B. K. Blackman, A. R. Norman, M. D. Shapiro, B. L. Cole, C. L. Peichel, D. Schluter, and D. M. Kingsley. 2014. Additive, anatomically regional, and clustered quantitative trait loci control skeletal evolution in sticklebacks. Genetics 197: 405–420.
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Wray, G. A., H. E. Hoekstra, D. J. Futuyma, R. E. Lenski, T. F. C. Mackay, D. Schluter, and J. E. Strassmann. 2014. Does evolutionary theory need a rethink? No, all is well. Nature 514: 161–164.
Reprint at Nature

Vines, T. H., A. Y. K. Albert, R. L. Andrew, F. Debarre, D. G. Bock, M. T. Franklin, K. J. Gilbert, J.-S. Moore, S. Renaut, and D. J. Rennison. 2014. The availability of research data declines rapidly with article age. Current Biology 24: 1–4.

Crutsinger, G. M., S. M. Rudman, M. A. Rodriguez‐Cabal, A. D. McKown, T. Sato, A. M. MacDonald, J. Heavyside, A. Geraldes, E. M. Hart, C. J. LeRoy, and R. W. El-Sabaawi. 2014. Testing a ‘genes‐to‐ecosystems’ approach to understanding aquatic–terrestrial linkages. Molecular Ecology 23: 5888–5903.

Seehausen O., Butlin, R. K. Keller, I., Wagner, C. E., Boughman, J. W., Hohenlohe, P. A., Peichel, C.L., Saetre, G.-P., Bank, C., Brannstrom, A., A. Brelsford, C. Clarkson, F. Eroukhmanoff, J. L. Feder, M. Fischer, A. D. Foote, P. Franchini, C. D. Jiggins, F. C. Jones, A. K. Lindholm, Lucek, K., Maan, M. E., Marques, D. A., Martin, M. E., Marques, D. A., Martin, S. H., Matthews, B., Meier, J. I., Most, M., Nachman, M. W., Nonaka, E., Rennison, D. J., Schwarzer, J., Watson, E. T., Westram, A. M., & A. Widmer. 2014. Genomics and the origin of species. Nature Reviews Genetics 15: 176–192.


Conte, G. and D. Schluter. 2013. Experimental confirmation that body size determines mate preference via phenotype matching in a stickleback species pair. Evolution 67: 1477–1484.
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Southcott, L., L. Nagel, T. Hatfield, and D. Schluter. 2013. Weak habitat isolation in a threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus spp.) species pair. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 466–476.

Des Roches, S., J. B. Shurin, D. Schluter, and L. J. Harmon. 2013. Ecological and evolutionary effects of stickleback on community structure. PLoS ONE 8(4): e59644.

Veen, T., S. J. Ingley, R. Cui, J. Simpson, M. Rahmani Asl, J. Zhang, T. Butkowski, W. Li, C. Hash, J. B. Johnson, W. Yan and G. G. Rosenthal. 2013. anyFish: an open-source software to generate animated fish models for behavioural studies. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15: 361–375.

Vines, T. H., R. L. Andrew, D. G. Bock, M. T. Franklin, K. J. Gilbert, N. C. Kane, J.-S. Moore, B. T. Moyers, S. Renaut, D. J. Rennison, T. Veen, and S. Yeaman. 2013. Mandated data archiving greatly improves access to research data. FASEB Journal, fj.12-218164.


Conte, G. L., M. E. Arnegard, C. L. Peichel and D. Schluter. 2012. The probability of genetic parallelism and convergence in natural populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 279: 5039–5047.
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Rogers, S. M., P. Tamkee, B. Summers, S. Balabahadra, M. Marks, and D. M. Kingsley, and D. Schluter. 2012. Genetic signature of adaptive peak shift in threespine stickleback. Evolution 66: 2439–2450.
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Ingram, T., R. Svanbäck, N. J. B. Kraft, P. Kratina, L. Southcott, and D. Schluter. 2012. Intraguild predation drives evolutionary niche shift in threespine stickleback. Evolution 66: 1819–1832.
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Svanbäck and D. Schluter. 2012. Niche specialization influences adaptive phenotypic plasticity in threespine stickleback. American Naturalist 180: 50–59.
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Jones, F. C., Y. F. Chan, J. Schmutz, J. Grimwood, S. D. Brady, A. Southwick, D. Absher, R. M. Myers, T. E. Reimchen, B. E. Deagle, D. Schluter, D. M. Kingsley. 2012. A genome­‐wide SNP genotyping array reveals patterns of global and repeated species-pair divergence in sticklebacks. Current Biology 22: 83–90.
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Lavoué S, M. Miya, M. E. Arnegard, J. P. Sullivan, C. D. Hopkins & M. Nishida. 2012. Comparable ages for the independent origins of electrogenesis in African and South American weakly electric fishes. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36287

Via, S., G. Conte, C. Mason-Foley and K. Mills. 2012. Localizing FST outliers on a QTL map reveals evidence for large genomic regions of reduced gene exchange during speciation-with-gene-flow. Molecular Ecology 21: 5546–5560.

Gilbert, K. J., R. L. Andrew, D. G. Bock, M. T. Franklin, N. C. Kane, J.‐S. Moore, B. T. Moyers, S. Renaut, D. J. Rennison, T. Veen, and T. H. Vines. 2012. Recommendations for utilizing and reporting population genetic analyses: the reproducibility of genetic clustering using the program structure. Molecular Ecology 21: 4925–4930.

Burger, C., E. Belskii, T. Eeva, T. Laaksonen, M. Mägi, R. Mänd, A. Qvarnström, T. Slagsvold, T. Veen, and M. E. Visser. 2012. Climate change, breeding date and nestling diet: how temperature differentially affects seasonal changes in pied flycatcher diet depending on habitat variation. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Veen, J., W. C. Mullié, and T. Veen. 2012. The diet of the white-breasted cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus along the Atlantic coast of West Africa. Ardea 100: 137-148.

Veen, J., O. Overdijk, and T. Veen. 2012. The diet of an endemic subspecies of the Eurasian spoonbill Platalea leucorodia balsaci, breeding at the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. Ardea 100: 123-130.


Nosil, P. and D. Schluter. 2011. The genes underlying the process of speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 160–167.
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Clarke, J. M. and D. Schluter. 2011. Colour plasticity and background matching in a threespine stickleback species pair. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102: 902–914.
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Ingram, T. 2011. Speciation along a depth gradient in a marine adaptive radiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 278: 613–618.
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Carlson, B. A., S. M. Hasan, M. Hollmann, D. B. Miller, L. J. Harmon, M. E. Arnegard. 2011. Brain evolution triggers increased diversification of electric fish. Science 332: 583–586.
| Supplement

Carlson, B. A. and M. E. Arnegard. 2011. Neural innovations and the diversification of African weakly electric fishes. Communicative & Integrative Biology 4: 720–725.

Veen, T., J. Faulks, R. Rodriguez-Munoz, and T. Tregenza. 2011. Premating reproductive barriers between hybridising cricket species differing in their degree of polyandry. PLoS ONE 6: e19531.

Le Rouzic, A., K. Østbye, T. O. Klepaker, T. F. Hansen, L. Bernatchez, D. Schluter, and L. A. Vøllestad. 2011. Strong and consistent natural selection associated with armour reduction in sticklebacks. Molecular Ecology 20: 2483–2493.
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MacColl, A. D. C. and S. M. Chapman. 2011. A benthic predatory fish does not cause selection on armour traits in three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus (Gasterosteiformes: Gasterosteidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 877–885.

Weir, J. T. and D. Schluter. 2011. Are rates of molecular evolution in mammals substantially accelerated in warmer environments? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B., doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.0388.
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Schluter, D., K. B. Marchinko, R. D. H. Barrett, and S. M. Rogers. 2010. Natural selection and the genetics of adaptation in threespine stickleback. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 365, 2479–2486.

Chan, Y. F., M. E. Marks, F. C. Jones, G. Villarreal Jr., M. D. Shapiro, S. Fisher, A. M. Southwick, D. M. Absher, J. Grimwood, J. Schmutz, R. M. Myers, D. Petrov, B. Jónsson, D. Schluter, M. A. Bell, and D. M. Kingsley. 2010. Adaptive evolution of pelvic reduction in sticklebacks by recurrent deletion of a Pitx1 enhancer. Science 327: 302–305.
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Arnegard, M. E., D. J. Zwickl, Y. Lu, and H. H. Zakon. 2010. Old gene duplication facilitates origin and diversification of an innovative communication system—twice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 107: 22172–22177.
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Arnegard, M. E., P. B. McIntyre, L. J. Harmon, M. L. Zelditch, W. G. R. Crampton, J. K. Davis, J. P. Sullivan, S. Lavoué, and C. D. Hopkins. 2010. Sexual signal evolution outpaces ecological divergence during electric fish species radiation. American Naturalist 176: 335–356.
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M. K. Oliver and M. E. Arnegard. 2010. A new genus for Melanochromis labrosus, a problematic Lake Malawi cichlid with hypertrophied lips (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters 21: 209-232.

Ingram, T. and M. Steel. 2010. Modelling the unpredictability of future biodiversity in ecological networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology 264: 1047–1056.

Barrett, R. D. H., A. Paccard, T. Healy, S. Bergek , P. M. Schulte, D. Schluter, and S. M. Rogers. 2010. Rapid evolution of cold tolerance in stickleback. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 278: 233–238.

Barrett, R. D. H. 2010. Adaptive evolution of lateral plates in three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus: a case study in functional analysis of natural variation. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 311–328.

Matthews, B., K. B. Marchinko, D. Bolnick, and A. Mazumder. 2010. Specialization of trophic position and habitat use by sticklebacks in an adaptive radiation. Ecology 91: 1025–1034.

Waldron, A. 2010. Lineages that cheat death: surviving the squeeze on range size. Evolution 64: 2278–2292.

Harmon, L. J., J. B. Losos, T. J. Davies, R. G. Gillespie, J. L. Gittleman, W. B. Jennings, K. H. Kozak, M. A. McPeek, F. Moreno-Roark, T. J. Near, A. Purvis, R. E. Ricklefs, D. Schluter, J. A. Schulte II, O. Seehausen, B. L. Sidlauskas, O. Torres-Carvajal, J. T. Weir, and A. Ø. Mooers. 2010. Early bursts of body size and shape evolution are rare in comparative data. Evolution 64: 2385–2396.

MacColl, A. D. C. and S. M. Chapman. 2010. Parasites can cause selection against migrants following dispersal between environments. Functional Ecology 2010, 24, 847–856.

Schluter, D. 2010. Resource competition and coevolution in sticklebacks. Evolution Education and Outreach 3: 54–61.


Schluter, D. 2009. Evidence for ecological speciation and its alternative. Science 323: 737–741.
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Harmon, L. J., B. Matthews, S. Des Roches, J. M. Chase, J. B. Shurin, and D. Schluter. 2009. Evolutionary diversification in stickleback affects ecosystem functioning. Nature 458: 1167–1170.
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Schluter, D. and G. L. Conte. 2009. Genetics and ecological speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 106: 9955–9962.

Weir, J. T., E. Bermingham and D. Schluter. 2009. The Great American Biotic Interchange in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 106: 21737–21742.
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Marchinko, K. B. 2009. Predation’s role in repeated phenotypic and genetic divergence of armor in threespine stickleback. Evolution 63: 127–138.
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Barrett, R. D. H., S. M. Rogers, and D. Schluter. 2009. Environment specific pleiotropy facilitates divergence at the Ectodysplasin locus in threespine stickleback. Evolution 63: 2831–2837.

Barrett, R. D. H., T. H. Vines, J. Bystriansky, and P. M. Schulte. 2009. Should I stay or should I go? The Ectodysplasin locus is associated with habitat preference in threespine stickleback. Biology Letters 5: 788–791.

Arnegard, M. E. 2009. Perspective: Ongoing ecological divergence in an emerging genomic model. Molecular Ecology 18: 2926–2929.

MacColl, A. D. C. 2009. Parasites may contribute to ‘magic trait’ evolution in the adaptive radiation of three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus (Gasterosteiformes: Gasterosteidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96: 425–433.

MacColl, A. D. C. 2009. Parasite burdens differ between sympatric three-spined stickleback species. Ecography 32: 153–160.

Nosil, P. 2009. Adaptive population divergence in cryptic color-pattern following a reduction in gene flow. Evolution 63: 1902–1912.

Nosil, P., L. J. Harmon, and O. Seehausen. 2009. Ecological explanations for (incomplete) speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 145–156.

Nosil, P., D. J. Funk, and D. Ortiz-Barrientos. 2009. Divergent selection and heterogeneous genomic divergence. Molecular Ecology 18: 375–402.


Barrett, R. D. H., S. M. Rogers, and D. Schluter. 2008. Natural selection on a major armor gene in threespine stickleback. Science 322: 255–257.
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Barrett, R. D. H. and D. Schluter. 2008. Adaptation from standing genetic variation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 38–44.

Albert, A. Y. K., S. Sawaya, T. H. Vines, A. K. Knecht, C. T. Miller, B. R. Summers, S. Balabhadra, D. M. Kingsley, and D. Schluter. 2008. The genetics of adaptive shape shift in stickleback: pleiotropy and effect size. Evolution 62: 76–85.
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Gow, J. L., S. M. Rogers, M. Jackson, and D. Schluter. 2008. Ecological predictions lead
to the discovery of a benthic-limnetic sympatric species pair of threespine stickleback in Little Quarry Lake, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86: 564–571.

Weir, J. T. and D. Schluter. 2008. Calibrating the avian molecular clock. Molecular Ecology 17: 2321–2328.

Weir, J. T., E. Bermingham, M. J. Miller, J. Klicka and M. A. González. 2008. Phylogeography of a morphologically diverse Neotropical montane species, the Common Bush-Tanager (Chlorospingus ophthalmicus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47: 650–664.

Nosil, P. 2008. Speciation with gene flow could be common. Molecular Ecology 17: 2103-2106.

Nosil, P. 2008. Ernst Mayr and the integration of geographic and ecological factors in speciation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95: 26-46.

Nosil, P., S. P. Egan and D. J. Funk. 2008. Heterogeneous genomic differentiation between walking-stick ecotypes: ‘isolation by adaptation’ and multiple roles for divergent selection. Evolution 62: 316–336.
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Egan, S. P., P Nosil, and D. J. Funk. 2008. Selection and genomic differentiation during ecological speciation: isolating the contributions of host association via a comparative genome scan of Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles. Evolution 62: 1162–1181.

Nosil P. and C. P. Sandoval. 2008. Ecological niche dimensionality and the evolutionary diversification of stick insects. PLoS ONE 3: e1907.

Nosil P., L. J. Harmon and O. Seehausen. 2008. Ecological explanations for (incomplete) speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 145–156.

Nosil, P. and L. J. Harmon. 2008. Niche dimensionality and ecological speciation. In: R. Butlin, J. Bridle, and D. Schluter, editors. Ecology and Speciation. Cambridge University Press

Harmon, L. J., J. T. Weir, C. D. Brock, R. E. Glor and W. Challenger. 2008. GEIGER: investigating evolutionary radiations. Bioinformatics 24: 129–131.

Revell, L. J., L. J. Harmon, and D. C. Collar. 2008. Phylogenetic signal, evolutionary process, and rate. Systematic Biology. 57: 591-601.

Revell, L. J. and L. J. Harmon. 2008. Testing quantitative genetic hypotheses about the evolutionary rate matrix for continuous characters. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 311-321.

Lavoué, S., M. E. Arnegard, J. P. Sullivan and C. D. Hopkins. 2008. Petrocephalus of Odzala offer insights into evolutionary patterns of signal diversification in the Mormyridae, a family of weakly electrogenic fishes from Africa. Journal of Physiology 102: 322–339.


Weir, J. T. and D. Schluter. 2007. The latitudinal gradient in recent speciation and extinction rates of birds and mammals. Science 315: 1574–1576.
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Marchinko, K. B. and D. Schluter. 2007. Parallel evolution by correlated response: lateral plate reduction in threespine stickleback. Evolution 61: 1084–1090.

Albert, A. Y. K., N. P. Millar, and D. Schluter. 2007. Character displacement of male nuptial colour in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 37–48.

Miller, C. T., S. Beleza, A. A. Pollen, D. Schluter, R. A. Kittles, M. D. Shriver, and D. M. Kingsley. 2007. cis-Regulatory changes in Kit ligand expression and parallel evolution of pigmentation changes in sticklebacks and humans. Cell 131: 1179–1189.
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Svanbäck, R. and D. I. Bolnick. 2007. Intraspecific competition drives increased resource use diversity within a natural population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 274: 839–844.

Waldron, A. 2007. Null models of geographic range size evolution reaffirm its heritability. American Naturalist 170: 221–231.

Mittelbach, G. G., D. W. Schemske, H. V. Cornell, et al.. 2007. Evolution and the latitudinal diversity gradient: speciation, extinction, and biogeography. Ecology Letters 10: 315–331.


Vines, T. H. and D. Schluter. 2006. Strong assortative mating between allopatric sticklebacks as a by-product of adaptation to different environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 273: 911–916.

Bridle, J. R and T. H. Vines 2006. Limits to evolution at range margins:when and why does adaptation fail? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 22: 140–147.

Weir, J. T. 2006. Divergent timing and patterns of species accumulation in lowland and highland neotropical birds. Evolution 60: 842–855.

Taylor, E. B., J. W. Boughman, M. Groenenboom, M. Sniatynski, D. Schluter, and J. L. Gow. 2006. Speciation in reverse: morphological and genetic evidence of the collapse of a threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) species pair. Molecular Ecology 15: 343–355.
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Colosimo, P. F., K. E. Hosemann, S. Balabhadra, G. Villarrea, Jr., M. Dickson, J. Grimwood, J. Schmutz, R. M. Myers, D. Schluter, and D. M. Kingsley. 2005. Widespread parallel evolution in sticklebacks by repeated fixation of ectodysplasin alleles. Science 5717: 1928–1933.
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Albert, A. Y. K. and S. P. Otto. 2005. Sexual selection can resolve sex-linked sexual antagonism. Science 310: 119–121.

Albert, A. Y. K. 2005. Mate choice, sexual imprinting, and speciation: a test of a one-allele isolating mechanism in sympatric sticklebacks. Evolution 59: 927–931.

Albert, A. Y. K. and D. Schluter. 2005. Primer: Selection and the origin of species. Current Biology 15: 283–288.

Boughman, J. W., H. D. Rundle and D. Schluter. 2005. Parallel evolution of sexual isolation in sticklebacks. Evolution 59: 361–373.
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Nosil, P., T. H. Vines, and D. J. Funk. 2005. Perspective: reproductive isolation caused by natural selection against immigrants from divergent habitats. Evolution 59: 705–719.


Schluter, D., E. A. Clifford, M. Nemethy, and J. S. McKinnon. 2004. Parallel evolution and inheritance of quantitative traits. American Naturalist 163: 809–822.
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McKinnon, J. S., S. Mori, B. Blackman, L. David, D. Kingsley, L. Jamieson, J. Chou, and D. Schluter. 2004. Evidence for ecology’s role in speciation. Nature 429: 294–298.
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Weir, J. T. and D. Schluter. 2004. Ice sheets promote speciation in boreal birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 271: 1881–1887.
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Vamosi, S. M. and D. Schluter. 2004. Character shifts in defensive armor of sympatric sticklebacks. Evolution 58: 376–385.

Albert, A. and D. Schluter. 2004. Reproductive character displacement of male stickleback mate preference: reinforcement or direct selection?. Evolution 58: 1099–1107.

Shapiro, M. D., M. E. Marks, C. L. Peichel, B. K. Blackman, K. S. Nereng, B. Jónsson, D. Schluter, and D. M. Kingsley. 2004. Genetic and developmental basis of evolutionary pelvic reduction in threespine sticklebacks. Nature 428: 717–723.
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Colosimo, P. F., C. L. Peichel, K. Nereng, B. K. Blackman, M. D. Shapiro, D. Schluter, and D. M. Kingsley. 2004. The genetic architecture of parallel armor plate reduction in threespine sticklebacks. PLOS Biology 2: 635–641.
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Peichel, C. L., Ross, J. A., Matson, C. K., Dickson, M., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Myers, R. M., Mori, S., Schluter, D., and Kingsley, D. M. 2004. The master sex-determination locus in threespine sticklebacks is on a nascent Y chromosome. Current Biology 14: 1416–1424.
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Seehausen, O. and D. Schluter. 2004. Male-male competition and nuptial colour displacement as a diversifying force in Lake Victoria cichlid fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 271: 1345–1353.

Rundle, H. D. and D. Schluter. 2004. Natural selection and ecological speciation in sticklebacks. Pages 192–209 in U. Dieckmann, M. Doebeli, J. A. J. Metz, and D. Tautz (eds.) Adaptive speciation. Cambridge University Press.


Rundle, H. D., S. M. Vamosi, and D. Schluter. 2003. Experimental test of predation’s effect on divergent selection during character displacement in sticklebacks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 100: 14943–14948.
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Schluter, D. 2003. Frequency dependent natural selection during character displacement in sticklebacks. Evolution 57: 1142–1150.

Caley, M. J. and D. Schluter. 2003. Predators favour mimicry in a tropical reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 270: 667–672.

Vamosi, S. M. 2003. The presence of other fish species affects speciation in threespine sticklebacks. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 717–730.

Bell, T., W. E. Neill and D. Schluter. 2003. The effect of temporal scale on the outcome of trophic cascade experiments. Oecologia 134: 578–586.


Rundle, H. D. 2002. A test of ecologically dependent postmating isolation between sympatric sticklebacks. Evolution 56: 322–329.

Vamosi, S. M. and D. Schluter. 2002. Impacts of trout predation on fitness of sympatric sticklebacks and their hybrids. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences 269: 923–930.

Vamosi S. M. 2002. Predation sharpens the adaptive peaks: survival trade-offs in sympatric sticklebacks. Annales Zoologici Fennici 39: 237–248.

Boughman, J. W. 2002. How sensory drive can promote speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 571–577.

Bell, T. 2002. The ecological consequences of unpalatable prey: phytoplankton response to nutrient and predator additions. Oikos 99: 59–68.


Schluter, D. 2001. Ecology and the origin of species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16: 372–380.

Boughman, J. W. 2001. Divergent sexual selection enhances reproductive isolation in sticklebacks. Nature 411: 944–947.

Kapan, D. 2001. Three-butterfly system provides a field test of Müllerian mimicry. Nature 409: 338–400.

Peichel, C. L., K. S. Nereng, K. A. Ohgi, B. L. E. Cole, P. F. Colosimo, C. A. Buerkle, D. Schluter and D. M. Kingsley. 2001. The genetic architecture of rapid morphological divergence between threespine stickleback species. Nature 414: 901–905.
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Pritchard, J. and D. Schluter. 2001. Declining competition during character displacement: summoning the ghost of competition past. Evolutionary Ecology Research 3: 209–220.

Rundle, H.D. and M. C. Whitlock. 2001. A genetic interpretation of ecologically-dependent isolation. Evolution 55: 198–201.


Losos, J. and D. Schluter. 2000. Analysis of an evolutionary species-area relationship. Nature 408: 847–850.
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Rundle, H. D., L. Nagel, J. W. Boughman, and D. Schluter. 2000. Natural selection and parallel speciation in sympatric sticklebacks. Science 287: 306–308.
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Schluter, D. 2000. Ecological character displacement in adaptive radiation. American Naturalist 156 (Supplement): S4–S16.


Hatfield, T. and D. Schluter. 1999. Ecological speciation in sticklebacks: environment-dependent hybrid fitness. Evolution 53: 866–873.
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Vamosi, S. M. and D. Schluter. 1999. Sexual selection against hybrids between sympatric stickleback species: evidence from a field experiment. Evolution 53: 874–879.
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Mooers, A. Ø. and D. Schluter. 1999. Reconstructing ancestor states with maximum likelihood: support for one- and two-rate models. Systematic Biology 48: 623–633.

Mooers, A. Ø, S. M. Vamosi and D. Schluter. 1999. Using phylogenies to test macroevolutionary hypotheses of trait evolution in cranes (Gruinae). American Naturalist 154: 249–259.

Nagel, L. and D. Schluter. 1998. Body size, natural selection, and speciation in sticklebacks. Evolution 52: 209–218.

Rundle, H. D. and D. Schluter. 1998. Reinforcement of stickleback mate preferences: sympatry breeds contempt. Evolution 52: 200–208.

Schluter, D. 1998. Ecological causes of speciation. Pp. 114–129 in D. J. Howard and S. H. Berlocher (eds.). Endless forms: species and speciation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Caley, M. J. and D. Schluter. 1997. The relationship between local and regional diversity. Ecology 78: 70–80.

Hatfield, T. 1997. Genetic divergence in adaptive characters between sympatric species of stickleback. American Naturalist 149: 1009–1029.

Schluter, D, T. D. Price, A. Ø. Mooers, and D. Ludwig. 1997. Likelihood of ancestor states in adaptive radiation. Evolution 51: 1699–1711.

Hatfield, T. and D. Schluter. 1996. A test for sexual selection on hybrids of two sympatric sticklebacks. Evolution 50: 2429–2434.

Schluter, D. 1996. Adaptive radiation along genetic lines of least resistance. Evolution 50: 1766–1774.
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Schluter, D. 1996. Ecological speciation in postglacial fishes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 351: 807–814.

Schluter, D. 1996. Ecological causes of adaptive radiation. American Naturalist 148 (Supplement): S40–S64.

Day, T., and J. D. McPhail. 1996. The effect of behavioural and morphological plasticity on foraging efficiency in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus sp.). Oecologia 108: 380–388.

Schluter, D. 1995. Adaptive radiation in sticklebacks: trade-offs in feeding performance and growth. Ecology 76: 82–90.

Schluter, D. and L. Nagel. 1995. Parallel speciation by natural selection. American Naturalist 146: 292–301.

Kassen, R., D. Schluter and J. D. McPhail. 1995. Evolutionary history of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus spp): insights from a physiological clock. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 2154–2158.


Schluter, D. 1994. Experimental evidence that competition promotes divergence in adaptive radiation. Science 266: 798–801.
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Schluter, D. and D. Nychka. 1994. Exploring fitness surfaces. American Naturalist 143: 597–616r

Day, T., J. Pritchard, and D. Schluter. 1994. Ecology and genetics of phenotypic plasticity: a comparison of two sticklebacks. Evolution 48: 1723–1734.

Schluter, D. 1993. Adaptive radiation in sticklebacks: size, shape, and habitat use efficiency. Ecology 74: 699–709.

Schluter, D. and T. Price. 1993. Honesty, perception and population divergence in sexually selected traits. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 253: 117–122.

Schluter, D. and L. Gustafsson. 1993. Maternal inheritance of condition and clutch size in the collared flycatcher. Evolution 47: 658–667.

Schluter, D. and J. D. McPhail. 1993. Character displacement and replicate adaptive radiation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 8: 197–200.

Schluter, D. and J. D. McPhail. 1992. Ecological character displacement and speciation in sticklebacks. American Naturalist 140: 85–108.
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Sridhar interview: Revisiting Schluter & McPhail 1992

Schluter, D. 1992. Brain size differences. Nature 359: 181.

Price, T. and D. Schluter. 1991. On the low heritability of life-history traits. Evolution 45: 853–861.

Schluter, D., Price, T. D. and L. Rowe. 1991. Conflicting selection pressures and life history trade-offs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 246: 11–17.

Schluter, D. 1990. Species-for-species matching. American Naturalist 136: 560–568.


Schluter, D. 1988. Estimating the form of natural selection on a quantitative trait. Evolution 42: 849–861.

Schluter, D. 1988. Character displacement and the adaptive divergence of finches on islands and continents. American Naturalist 131: 799–824.

Schluter, D. 1988. The evolution of finch communities on islands and continents: Kenya vs Galápagos. Ecological Monographs 58: 229–249.

Schluter, D. 1986. Tests for similarity and convergence of finch communities. Ecology 67: 1073–1085.

Schluter, D., and J. Smith. 1986. Natural selection on beak and body size in the song sparrow. Evolution. 221–231.

Schluter, D., T. D. Price, and P. R. Grant. 1985. Ecological character displacement in Darwin’s finches. Science 227: 1056–1059.

Schluter, D. 1985. Character displacement between distantly-related taxa? Finches and bees in the Galápagos. American Naturalist 127: 95–102.

Grant, P. R., I. Abbott, D. Schluter, R. L. Curry, and L. K. Abbott. 1985. Variation in the size and shape of Darwin’s finches. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 25: 1–39.

Schluter, D. 1984. A variance test for detecting species associations, with some example applications. Ecology 65: 998–1005.

Schluter, D. 1984. Morphological and phylogenetic relations among the Darwin’s finches. Evolution 38: 921–930.

Schluter, D. 1984. Body size, prey size, and herbivory in the Galápagos lava lizard, Tropidurus. Oikos 43: 291–300.

Schluter, D. and P. R. Grant. 1984. Determinants of morphological patterns in communities of Darwin’s finches. American Naturalist 123: 175–196.

Schluter, D. and P. R. Grant. 1984. Ecological correlates of morphological evolution in a Darwin’s Finch, Geospiza difficilis. Evolution 38: 856–869.

Schluter, D. 1982. Distributions of Galápagos ground finches along an altitudinal gradient: the importance of food supply. Ecology 63: 1504–1517.

Schluter, D. 1982. Seed and patch selection by Galápagos ground finches: relation to foraging efficiency and food supply. Ecology 63: 1106–1120.

Schluter, D. and P. R. Grant. 1982. The distribution of Geospiza difficilis in relation to G. fuliginosa in the Galapagos Islands: tests of three typotheses. Evolution 36:

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