Error message: [Pascal Fatal Error] file.pas(line #): File not found: 'DsgnIntf.dcu'
Posted: October 17, 2000
Problem: When I try to install a Delphi component I get the above error message. The error refers to a file DsgnIntf.dcu in the Uses section of the source code but I don't have the file. What do I do?
Solution: Apparently, the file DsgnIntf.dcu is proprietary and isn't distributed with newer versions of BCB and Delphi. The problem and solution are described in the "Using C++Builder" help file in the section
- Upgrading to Borland C++Builder 5
- VCL and global functions
- Compiling packages with DsgnIntf.pas.
In short, click on the menu option Project > Edit Option Source to to open project.bpk.xml. Then find the line
<PFLAGS value="..."/>
and append option -LUvcl50 so it looks like
<PFLAGS value="... -LUvcl50"/>
Finally, choose File > Save all and Project > Make ... to rebuild and install the component.