Canada has a history of initiatives aimed at ensuring the effective use of science and technological advice in government decision-making. "Backgrounder: The Evolving Context of Science Integrity in Canada" provides an overview of past efforts, highlighting good practices for science advice.
To establish the scope and nature of issues involved with the effective and consistent use of the best available evidence, the Science Integrity Project began with a series of interviews with scientists, indigenous knowledge holders, and policy makers across Canada. The resulting insights from 30 interviews are summarized in the "Science Integrity Project: Synthesis of Pre-Forum Interviews".
List of Interviewees Show Hide
From February 2-4, 2015, a Forum was held in Toronto with over 60 scientists and public policy analysts, current and past representatives of public and Indigenous governments, philanthropists and representatives of non-government organizations to discuss the status of evidence-based decision-making at every level of government. To inform this discussion, the summary report of interviews was shared with Forum participants. The "Statement of Principles for Sound Decision-making in Canada" and the accompanying illustrative examples are products of the Forum's work.
List of Forum Participants Show Hide
Pre Forum | Planning Committee:
David Secord (PhD, Tides Canada), Amanda Stanley (PhD, Wilburforce Foundation), Heather Douglas (PhD, University of Waterloo), Katie Gibbs (PhD, Evidence for Democracy), Michael Paterson (PhD, International Institute for Sustainable Development), Hank Venema (PhD, International Institute for Sustainable Development)
Post Forum | Drafting Committee:
David Secord (PhD, Tides Canada), Vanessa Craig, (PhD, College of Applied Biology), Eriel Deranger (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation), Aerin Jacob (PhD, University of Victoria / Sustainable Canada Dialogues), Rees Kassen (PhD, University of Ottawa), Scot Nickels (PhD, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami), Maureen Ryan (PhD, Simon Fraser University), Stephanie Green (PhD, Oregon State University)
Post Forum | Implementation Committee:
Sarah Otto (PhD, University of British Columbia), Paul Dufour (MSc, University of Ottawa), David Secord (PhD, Tides Canada), Rees Kassen (PhD, University of Ottawa), Stephanie Green (PhD, Oregon State University), Mehrdad Hariri (Canadian Science Policy Centre), Katie Gibbs (PhD, Evidence For Democracy), Asfia Kamal (PhD Candidate, University of Manitoba), Deirdre Laframboise (MSc, Canadian Climate Forum), Justina Ray (PhD, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada)
Support Committee:
Maureen Ryan (PhD, Simon Fraser University), Stephanie Green (PhD, Oregon State University), Julian Griggs (Dovetail Consulting), Maria Malmgren (MadronaWorks Consulting), Sara Hsiao (Tides Canada)