Heart Rate
Control of Cardiorespiratory Responses
to Environmental Change in Vertebrates
goal of our research program is to
determine why (and how) animals breathe
the way they do under different conditions
(at rest, sleep, exercise, altitude,
dormancy, hibernation, diving, etc.).
Breathing is essential
for gas exchange in almost all vertebrates
but the mechanisms that produce the
respiratory rhythm, and the manner
in which the basic rhythm is modified
to meet changing demands is not fully
Work from our laboratory,
and those of others, suggests that
certain areas within the brain of
all vertebrates (from fish to man)
produce a respiratory rhythm but that
this rhythm is not always expressed.
The natural rhythm is modified by
information from different sensory
systems and from other areas in the
brain, and this interaction determines
if, when and how breathing occurs.
This leads to the hypothesis that
the wide variety of breathing patterns
observed in vertebrate animals results
from differences in the net balance
of different inputs to a common system.
The many breathing
patterns seen in vertebrates, including
those which contain prolonged periods
during which breathing ceases (apneas
etc.), not only provide a challenge
to this hypothesis, but also suggest
that a mechanism that can explain
the episodes where breathing stops
in turtles and hibernating squirrels
may also explain sleep apnea and SIDS
in man.
Given this, one group
of our studies examines the central
pattern generators for ventilation
in isolation (using brainstem-spinal
cord and brain slice preparations).
A second group of studies examines
the sensory information that comes
from the lungs and gills, and from
the heart and blood vessels of different
animals. A third group of studies
examines the interaction of this sensory
feedback with the central rhythm generator
and such descending inputs as those
associated with locomotion, changes
in arousal state (such as sleep, dormancy
and hibernation) and body temperature.
A fourth group of studies tests the
hypothesis that all breathing patterns
are adaptive and optimally designed
to reduce the work of breathing and
increase gas exchange efficiency.
Using species differences
(phylogeny), developmental changes
(ontogeny) and genetic manipulations
as tools, we ultimately hope to help
determine the neural basis of respiratory
pattern formation and the manner in
which this has been shaped by evolution
to meet the demands of animals living
in different environments.