Use the R Workshops dropdown menu to navigate to the R workshops.

For help, access the R tips pages.

Install R on your own computer

Install the latest version of R. Obtain here.

Mac users will need to install XQuartz for some R commands to work (e.g., fix()).

Students without a laptop will be loaned one for the duration of the workshop. Let me know ahead of time if you require one, there is a limited number available (Macs only).

Install packages

You will need to install the following extra R packages for the workshops this semester (see the Rtips start page for information on how to install add-on packages).
ape, binom, car, emmeans, lmerTest, metafor, MuMIn, pwr, visreg

Work at your own speed

Use a text file to write and edit your R commands. This keeps a record of your analyses for later use, and makes it easier to rerun and modify analyses as data collection continues.

Work at your own speed and don’t worry if you cannot finish in the 2 hours allotted. Some of the workshops are intentionally made long to to allow you to come back in the future if you want more practice on a particular topic.

Get help

Make use of the online help at the R tips pages. Ask the persons sitting to your left and to your right for suggestions if you are stuck. Ask me if you are still stumped.

Get answers

To give you enough time to work through the workshops in R, I’ll post my own answer code after a week delay. R often provides more than one way to solve a problem, so my code isn’t necessarily the only code that will get you to the same answer.


© 2009-2025 Dolph Schluter