Position Summary

Positions are summarized in the list below and associated with the major research groups within the department in section 4.2.6. below. Nearly all of these positions were written up as initial CRC chair proposals. The two areas of the department that are in greatest need of new faculty to maintain the teaching program are physiology and ecology. In both of these areas needs are acute. This hiring plan will provide for the maintenance of strength in both areas. We anticipate that student load in life sciences will stay about as it is now for the next few years. The teaching requirements within each of the main research areas are broad and general enough that there should be no problem covering present or foreseeable teaching needs from the positions noted below.

One of the striking features of this set of positions is the degree of interaction between appointments in the different areas of the department as shown in section F below. Interaction between researchers in different areas of the department is increasing and the possibility for interactions with researchers in different units across campus is also very important, especially for researchers in cell biology and molecular physiology.

Summary of proposed positions


Brief Description

Theme(6), Core(5) or both(2)

1. Field / Experimental Ecology  

McPhail Slot

This position is important to maintain teaching and research strength in this important area. This position has been filled by Dr. Diane Srivastava.

This is a Zoology Core Position



2. Evolutionary or environmental Physiology

  Airriess slot

This is a replacement position and is a key position for the rejuvenation of the historically strong physiology group. It has been filled by Dr. Trish Schulte.

This is a zoology core position.



3. CRC Senior Chair in Biosystematics - Centre for Biodiversity Research (A joint initiative of the Departments of Zoology, Botany and Microbiology.)

CRC Chair


This is the CRC Chair position that is essential for the development of the Biodiversity Research Centre and its fundraising initiative. This search is currently underway .

This is a key position for the FOS Environment Theme


4. Neural Development Position  – C. Elegans (50%) Shared with Biotech Laboratory

Snutch slot


This position will be created by the awarding of a CRC chair to Dr. Snutch. It is an important chair linking the Biotech laboratory and cell biologists and molecular physiologists in several departments. It complements the strength present in the C. elegans knock out facility (Biotech and Zoology).

This position part of the a FOS Theme Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics



5. CRC Junior Chair Subcellular biology – cytoskeleton etc. (33%) Shared with Microbiology and Immunology

CRC Chair

This shared position provides further interaction between cell biologists in an important area in modern biology. This search is continuing.

This position is  part of the FOS Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics theme.



6. Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change

  Liley slot

This position will bridge evolution and physiology and with the one following forms a complementary pair of positions that will enable us to really look ‘under the hood’ at what is happening during the evolutionary process. They are new departures in strong areas of the Department.

Zoology core position


7. Evolution /Development  -- Stickleback or Zebrafish development .

Carefoot slot

This is a very important position linking evolutionary and developmental biology. The objective is to hire someone looking at how patterns of gene expression change in response to evolutionary selection.

This is a Zoology Core/ FOS Theme position in the Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics theme.


8. Environmental Physiology – Adaptation

Randall Slot

This position and the one following will allow us to maintain strength in physiology while moving in new directions. This position is a core physiology position but bridges to ecology.

This is part of the FOS Environment theme. 2003

9. Field Physiology –animal remote sensing

Hochachka slot

The goal is to strengthen whole animal studies in the department using recent advances in electronics and communication to study unrestrained animals in the field. This is a core physiology position that bridges to ecology.

Zoology core position.


10. Evolutionary Biology – field experimentalist

New Position - while not likely, it is on our wish list.

This position, along with numbers 6 and 7 above bring the evolution group to critical mass and serve to anchor theoretical work in concrete observation.

This is a Zoology core position.


11. MRI Imaging Centre Director – (0.17) CRC Tier 1 Chair

The area of non-invasive observation in physiology that this technical area represents will be an increasing important research methodology for whole animal research. The search is continuing.

This is a FOS Theme position in the Neurosciences and Cognitive Systems.


12. Developmental Neurophysiology

Holm Slot

This program ties cell biologists and molecular physiologists in Zoology, Cord, neurosciences together. The area is important and one in which we are reaching critical strength. Appointment to Dr. Roskams to this position is in process.

This is a Zoology Core/ FOS Theme

position in Neurosciences and Cognitive Systems.


13. Conservation Biology

Krebs slot

This position would round out the ecology and environmental groups and is a critical common area for both groups and one that is of increasing political and economic importance.

This is a FOS Environmental Theme position.