Position 10.  Empirical Evolutionary Biology – field experimentalist (Krebs slot)

We propose a position in empirical evolutionary biology for a evolutionary  biologist with a strong experimentally based program who would complement the expertise in theory and molecular phylogenetics already in place in the Departments of Zoology and Botany at UBC. UBC now boasts one of the best evolutionary biology groups in the world and the best in Canada. This strength is based on theoretical work in the Zoology Department and on molecular phylogeny in the Botany Department.  This expertise needs to be complemented by addition of empirically based scientists. New techniques have come into the field recently and a new realization of the importance of field work permeates the discipline. We propose hiring an empirical evolutionary biologist with emphasis in the selection process choosing the individual with the most exciting research program with a strong field-based component.  This hire would bring the evolutionary biology group to critical mass, further enhance our international reputation in the field and stimulate the ecology and biodiversity initiatives in the Zoology Department.

Evolutionary biologists at UBC are attached to several departments, including Zoology, botany, forest genetics and mathematics, and represent several sub-fields of the discipline. Zoology has strength in theoretical evolutionary studies. To complement this we would add strength in the empirical study of evolution.  The study of the process of evolution has a strong tradition of close interaction between theoretical and empirical work that has led to rapid progress, particularly at universities that have had strong representation in both areas.

Exciting progress is not being made in several aspects of field evolutionary biology, such as the measurement of natural selection in the wild, the elucidation of fundamental processes of speciation, discoveries about the basics of evolution of diseases and their co-evolution with hosts, and work on topics as diverse as evolution in spatially structured populations, the evolution of species ranges, and the evolution of mating systems and the genome.  Most of these topics are studies at UBC largely in theory; an empiricist with a specialty in any of these areas would greatly enhance the group.

Evolutionary biology is a rapidly growing field, and large numbers of extremely qualified people are available. We therefore have the opportunity to hire the best-qualified, most dynamic researcher in the field by a broad search.  Because this individual will have a strong field component to her research, this position will strengthen the already strong ecology group at UBC as well as also greatly enhance the Biodiversity Centre initiative. Start-up funding for an excellent candidate in this field would need to be 100-150K$.