at the University of British Columbia

  • Keith Adams: Plant molecular and genomic evolution, with a focus on polyploidy and hybridization
  • Martin Adamson: Evolutionary biology of parasites
  • Sally Aitken: Evolutionary biology, genecology and conservation genetics of forest trees
  • Peter Arcese: Population demography and genetics of birds
  • Leticia Aviles: Multilevel selection in social organisms and life history evolution
  • John Beatty: History and philosophy of genetics and evolution
  • Mary Berbee: Phylogeny and character evolution in the fungi
  • Colin Brauner: Comparative physiology and the physiology of environmental adaptation, predominantly in fish
  • Mark Collard: Human biological and cultural evolution
  • Quentin Cronk: Plant evolutionary-developmental biology
  • Michael Doebeli: Mathematical models in evolutionary ecology
  • Naomi Fast: Evolutionary biology of protozoa with a focus on the evolution of parasitism
  • Fred Ganders: Plant biosystematics and evolution
  • Beverly Green: Molecular biology, evolution, and genomics of eukaryotic algae
  • Sean Graham: Phylogenetic analyses of plants and the evolution of plant traits
  • Darren Irwin: Molecular, behavioral, and field-based approaches to understanding speciation in birds
  • Patrick Keeling: Evolutionary biology of protozoa using molecular tools and comparative phylogenetics
  • Brian Leander: Evolutionary morphology, molecular phylogeny and biodiversity of marine micro-eukaryotes
  • Wayne Maddison: Phylogenetic analyses; the evolution of jumping spiders
  • Judy Myers: Insect population ecology, biological control, evolution of insecticide resistance
  • Sarah Otto: The evolution of life cycles and genetic systems
  • Rosie Redfield: Evolution of genetic exchange systems, especially in bacteria
  • Loren Rieseberg: Speciation, domestication, conservation biology, and weed evolution
  • Kermit Ritland: Marker-aided inferences in population and quantitative genetics; forest conservation genetics
  • Dolph Schluter: Natural selection and character evolution in nature
  • Patricia Schulte: Gene regulation and the evolution of physiological responses to environmental change
  • Eric Taylor: Molecular approaches to the evolutionary ecology, population genetics, and conservation of fishes
  • Mark Vellend: Ecology, evolution, and conservation biology of plants
  • Michael Whitlock: Evolution in structured populations
  • Jeannette Whitton: Evolution in agamic complexes in the sunflower family
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Site maintained by Sarah Otto.