Analysis of Biological Data







This page will list corrections to the published version that are discovered after printing. If you find other errors, please let us know by e-mailing

Chapter 2: p30: "adundance daa" should read "abundance data"

Page 40, Fig. 2.4-2. The legend for the fig reads "ETHOPIA" and should read "ETHIOPIA"

Chapter 3: p63: 4th line from bottom: change to "fall between Ybar -s and Ybar + s,"

Chapter 5: p122, question 7b.: Change last line to "bitten at least once by a dangerous snake"

Chapter 7: p. 161: The normal aproximation to the binominal is discussed in chapter 10, not 9.

p165: "thenumber" should be "the number"

p166. "Genghis Kahn" should be "Genghis Khan"

Chapter 9: p212: Delete "not" in last sentence of first paragraph.

Chapter 12, top of p. 305: Change "H0 is rejected if F > Fa(1),n1-1,n2-1." to " H0 is rejected if F > Fa(1)/2,n1-1,n2 -1." 


Chapter 14:

Figures 14.4_1 and 14.4_2 were affected by a printers' error. They should look like:

Figure 14.4_1:

Figure 14.4_2:

Chapter 17: p. 464. Next to last sentence should read: "But correlation treats both variables equally, whereas regression predicts the value of one variable (the RESPONSE variable) from the other (the EXPLANATORY variable."

Chapter 17: p. 479. The eighth line should read "Y-hat - Ybar is analogous to the "groups" component in ANOVA."

Chapter 18: p528. Table 18.4-1: The degrees of freedom for Residual should read 31, and the total degrees of freedom should read 34.


Practice Problem answers:

p. 625, answer to Chapter 8, question 5: Change "c21,0.05 = 3.84" to "c23,0.05 = 7.81".

p. 629, answer to Chapter 9, question 6b: Change "35.0>13.82" to "19.5>13.82"