author = {Hendrik J. Blok},
year = 2002,
title = {{Conditions} for memetic driving},
note = {\url{http://rikblok.shorturl.com/lib/blok(01).html}},
abstract = {Assuming culture is transmitted horizontally (via imitation) a
model was constructed to determine the conditions under which
culture can dominate genetic evolution ("get off the leash"
according to Blackmore). Two requirements were found: (1) culture
must compete with genes (required only for the effect to be
empirically testable); and (2) Interactions between individuals
must be confined to small groups or neighbourhoods. The model was
tested via analysis and simulation.},
keywords = {memetics versus genetics; culture; memes versus genes;
horizontal transmission; competitive interaction; game theory;
small systems or small neighbourhoods...memes dominate}