What We've Done
In press:
S, Mell JC and Redfield RJ. 2013. The availability of purine
nucleotides regulates natural competence by controlling translation of
the competence activator Sxy. Molecular Microbiology.
doi:10.1111/mmi.12245. PDF
Published research:
Sinha S, Mell JC and Redfield RJ. 2012. 17 CRP-S-regulated genes are needed for natural transformation in Haemophilus influenzae. Journal of Bacteriology. 194(19): 5245-54. PDF
Mell JC, Hall IM and Redfield RJ. 2012. Defining the DNA Uptake Specificity of Naturally Competent Haemophilus influenzae cells. Nucleic Acid Research. 40(17):8536-49. PDF
Kristensen BM, Sinha S, Boyce JD, Bojesen AM, Mell JC and Redfield RJ. 2012. Natural Transformation by Gallibacterium anatis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78(14): 4914-22. PDF
Sinha S and Redfield RJ. 2012. Natural DNA Uptake by Escherichia coli. PLoS One. 7(4): e35620. PDF
JC, Shumilina S, Hall IM and Redfield RJ. 2011. Transformation of
Natural Genetic Variation into Haemophilus
influenzae Genomes. PLoS
Pathogens. 7: e1002151. PDF
Maughan H, Wilson LA and Redfield RJ. 2010. Bacterial DNA Uptake
Sequences Can Accumulate by Molecular Drive Alone. Genetics. 186: 613-627 PDF
Redfield RJ. 2009. Looking to bacteria for clues. Science. 325(5943): 946 PDF
Sinha S, Bossé J, Schippers T,
Kroll JS, Redfield RJ and Langford P. 2009. Natural competence in
strains of Actinobacillus
pleuropneumoniae. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 298(7):124-30 PDF
S, Cameron ADS and Redfield RJ. 2009. Sxy induces a CRP-S regulon in Escherichia coli. Journal of
Bacteriology. 191(6):5180-95 PDF Supplementary
H and
Redfield RJ. 2009. Extensive variation in natural competence
in Haemophilus influenzae.
Evolution. 63(7):1852-66 PDF
WA and Redfield RJ. 2009. Coevolution of DNA Uptake Sequences and
Bacterial Proteomes. Genome. Biol Evol. 5(1):45-55. PDF
Maughan H and Redfield RJ. 2009. Tracing the evolution of
competence in Haemophilus influenzae.
PLoS One
4(6):e5854. PDF
ADS and Redfield RJ. 2008. CRP binding and transcription activation at
CRP-S sites. Journal of Molecular Biology 383(2):313-23. PDF
Cameron ADS,
M, Bannister LA and Redfield RJ. 2008. RNA secondary
structure regulates the translation of sxy and competence development
Haemophilus influenzae.
Nucleic Acids Research 36(1):10-20. PDF
Cameron ADS and Redfield RJ. 2006. Non-canonical CRP sites control
competence regulons in Escherichia
coli and many other gamma-proteobacteria. Nucleic Acids
Research 36(1) : 10-20. PDF
Redfield RJ, Findlay WA,
Bossé J, Kroll JS, Cameron ADS and Nash JHE.
2006. Evolution of competence and DNA uptake specificity in the
Pasteurellaceae. BMC Evolutionary Biology 6:82. PDF
Redfield RJ, Cameron ADS,
Qian Q, Hinds J, Ali TR, Kroll JS and Langford P. 2004. A
novel CRP-dependent regulon controls expression of competence genes in Haemophilus influenzae. 2005.
Journal of Molecular Biology 347: 735-747. PDF
Bakkali M, Chen T-Y, Lee
H-C and Redfield RJ. 2004. Evolutionary stability of DNA uptake
sequences in the Pasteurellaceae. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
101: 4513-4518. PDF
Wang Y, Goodman S, Redfield RJ and Chen C. 2002. Natural transformation and DNA uptake signal
sequences in Actinobacillus
actinomycetemcomitans. Journal of Bacteriology 184: 3442-3449. PDF
Macfadyen LP, Chen D, Vo
HC, Liao D, Sinotte R and Redfield RJ. 2001. Competence
development by Haemophilus influenzae is regulated by the availability
of nucleic acid precursors. Molecular Microbiology 40: 700-7. PDF
Ma C and Redfield RJ. 2000.
Point mutations in a peptidoglycan biosynthesis gene cause competence
induction in Haemophilus influenzae. Journal
of Bacteriology 182:3323-3330. PDF
Macfadyen LP, Ma C and Redfield RJ. 1998. A 3':5'-cAMP phosphodiesterase modulates cAMP levels
and optimizes competence in H.
influenzae Rd. Journal of Bacteriology 180: 44-1-4405. PDF
Macfadyen LP. 2000. Regulation of
competence development in Haemophilus
influenzae. Journal of Theoretical Biology 207: 349-59. PDF
Redfield RJ, Schrag MR
and Dean AM. 1997. The evolution of bacterial transformation: sex
with poor relations. Genetics 146:27-38. PDF
Macfadyen LP, Dorocicz I, Reizer J, Saier Jr. MH and Redfield RJ. 1996. Regulation of
competence development and sugar utilization in
Haemophilus influenzae Rd by a
phosphoenolpyruvate:fructose phosphotransferase system. Molecular
Microbiology 21 (5):941-952. PDF
Macfadyen LP and Redfield RJ. 1996. Life in Mucus: Sugar metabolism in Haemophilus influenzae. Research in
Microbiology 147: 541-551 (this paper is an invited contribution to a
single-topic issue). PDF
Redfield RJ. 1993. Evolution
of natural transformation: Testing the DNA repair hypothesis in Haemophilus influenzae and Bacillus subtilis. Genetics
133:755-761. PDF
Williams P, Bannister L and Redfield RJ. 1994 The Haemophilus
influenzae sxy-1 mutation is in a newly identified gene
essential for competence. Journal of
Bacteriology 176 (22) 6789-6794. PDF
Dorocicz I, Williams P, and Redfield RJ. 1993. The Haemophilus
influenzae adenylate cyclase gene: cloning, sequence, and
essential role in competence. Journal of
Bacteriology 175:7142-49. PDF
Redfield RJ. 1993. Genes for
breakfast: the have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too of natural transformation.
J. Hered. 84: 400-404 (Proceedings of AGA Symposium, 1992).
Redfield RJ. 1991. sxy-1, a Haemophilus influenzae mutation
causing greatly enhanced spontaneous competence. Journal of Bacteriology
173: 5612-5618. PDF
Redfield RJ. 1991. Bacterial
mating preferences. Nature 352: 25-26.
Tomb J-F, Barcak G, Chandler M, Redfield RJ and Smith HO. 1989. Transposon mutagenesis,
characterization, and cloning of transformation genes of Haemophilus influenzae Rd. Journal of Bacteriology
171: 3796-3802. PDF
Lee JJ, Smith HO and Redfield RJ. 1989. Organization of the Haemophilus
influenzae Rd genome. Journal of
Bacteriology 171: 3016-3024. PDF
Redfield RJ. 1988. Evolution
of bacterial transformation: is sex with dead cells ever better than no
sex at all? Genetics 119: 213-221. PDF
Reviews and Book Chapters:
Maughan H, Sinha S, Wilson L,
Redfield R. 2008. Competence, DNA Uptake and Transformation in the
Pasteurellaceae. Chapter in Pasteurellaceae: Biology, Genomics and
Molecular Aspects, Caister Academic Press, ISBN: 978-1-904455-34-9. PDF
Redfield RJ. 2001. Do bacteria have sex? Nature Reviews Genetics
2:634-9. PDF
Redfield RJ. 2001 Transformation. Encyclopedia of Genetics, Academic Press.
Redfield RJ. 2001
Transformation and Transfection. Two entries in the Encyclopedia of
Genetics, Academic Press. PDF
Redfield RJ. 2002 Haemophilus
influenzae, Genetics. Entry in Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Academic
Redfield RJ. 1997. The problem
of the evolution of sex. Proceedings of a NASA Life Sciences Workshop
on Evolution: a molecular perspective. Woods Hole, October 1997.
Redfield RJ. 1999. A truly
pluralistic view of sex and recombination. Journal of Evolutionary
Biology 12: 1043-1046 PDF
Redfield RJ. 1996. The Haemophilus influenzae genome:
after sequencing, then what? MedScape/Women's Health , June 1996 (a
peer-reviewed on-line journal, available at http://www.medscape.com).
Mooers 1996.
Poje G and Redfield RJ.
2002. General Methods for culturing Haemophilus
influenzae, and Transformation of Haemophilus influenzae. Two
chapters in Molecular Methods for Haemophilus
influenzae:, M. Herbert, Editor, Humana Press. Growth
PDF, Transformation
Williams P, Hung WL, and Redfield RJ. 1996. Cell transfer by filtration: evaluation of protocols
for transformational competence. FEMS (Federation of European
Microbiology Societies) Microbiology Letters 137:183-187.
ML, Sinha S, Rabinowitz JD, Kruglyak L and Redfield RJ. 2012. Absence
of detectable arsenate in DNA from arsenate-grown GFAJ-1 cells. Science. 337(6093): 470-3. PDF
Redfield RJ. 2011. Comment on "A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus". Science. 332. PDF
The Hotspot Paradox:
Pineda-Krch M and Redfield RJ. 2005. Persistence and loss of meiotic recombination hotspots.
Genetics 169:2913-2928. PDF
Boulton A, Myers R and Redfield RJ. 1997. The hotspot conversion paradox and the evolution of
meiotic recombination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
USA 94:8058-8063. PDF
Protist Evolution:
Dacks JB, Silberman JD,
Simpson AG, Moriya S, Kudo T, Ohkuma M and Redfield RJ.
2001. Oxymonads are closely related to the excavate taxon Trimastix.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 18:1034-44. PDF
Dacks JB and Redfield RJ.
Phylogenetic placement of Trichonympha. Journal of Eukaryotic
Microbiology 45: 445-447.
Quorum Sensing:
Redfield RJ. 2002. Is quorum
sensing a side effect of diffusion sensing? Trends in Microbiology
10:365-370. PDF
Evolution of Sex:
Redfield RJ. 1994. Male
mutation rates and the cost of sex for females. Nature 369: 145-147. PDF
Redfield RJ. 2012. "Why do we have to learn this stuff?" - A New Genetics For 21st Century Students. PLoS Biology. 10(7): e1001356. PDF
Redfield RJ, Mayer-Smith JA and Griffiths A. 1997, Stuck on the Web. Genetics Society of Canada
Bulletin. 28(1): 23.
Yazon J, Mayer-Smith JA
and Redfield RJ. 2002. Does the medium change the message? The
impact of a web-based genetics course on university students’
perspectives on learning and teaching. Computers and Education 38:
