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Visualizing statistics

University of British Columbia

Using these visualizations:

These apps are intended to be used in a number of ways:

All of the apps can be used in a demo mode in which all the functionality is enabled. The apps start in this mode, designed for use in lecture or in open-ended discovery by students. Most of the apps have a button labeled “TUTORIAL”, which begins a series of guided exploration, asking the users simple questions and giving commentary on the topic at hand. In the tutorial mode, the functions (i.e., buttons) are constrained to only respond to the next appropriate actions for the guided experience.

Notes about each visualization:

Sampling from a normal distribution -- This app demonstrates the concept of a sampling distribution of an estimate, using the example of a mean of a normally distributed variable. It also reinforces the idea of a histogram.

Learning objectives:

Confidence intervals for the mean -- This app shows the meaning of a confidence interval, calculating confidence intervals of the means of repeated samples.

Learning objectives:

Central limit theorem -- This app explores the sampling distribution of the mean when the data do not necessarily follow a normal distribution.

This app is designed to be used after the students are familiar with the general principles of sampling. The “Sampling from a normal distribution” app should perhaps be used first to introduce some of the basic concepts and the visual metaphors used here.

Learning objectives:

χ2 contingency analysis -- This app simulates samples of a 2x2 contingency analysis. It demonstrates that the χ2 test statistic follows a χ2 distribution and illustrates the meaning of the P-value. It may be most useful as a demonstration of the meaning of Type I error and power. This app has no tutorial version.

Learning objectives:

The visualizations were created at the University of British Columbia with financial support from UBC's Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund. They were created by many fine people. Please send us your comments and suggestions.

These pages and their code are released on a Creative Commons Zero agreement, meaning that it is freely available for use, re-use, and modification. We request that you give us credit, when possible. This work is in the public domain.

