Pumpkin party!

Here are some pictures from the Srivastava lab pumpkin carving extravaganza! We spent the entire day carving and creating this trophic pyramid, and took away the prize for “best biology”.

High Ropes Action

Hey, this is how much fun you can have in grad school (or slightly after)! Thanks Robin for an awesome team building event! It looks like it worked…

Its kind of like evolution

but not really.  Conway’s Game of Life is pretty fun to play with, though.  It is a classic cellular automaton of white and black squares whose pattern is changed every ‘generation’ by a simple set of rules.  Amazingly similar to evolution in the strange and wonderful changes that emerge!

In fact, according to the wiki on the topic, the entire mathematical field of research about cellular automaton models was sparked by the invention of this game.  Does that mean that those ecological models where communities are modeled in a similar way (little colored squares, with competition occurring between neighbours and dispersal between cells, etc) are descendants of this game?