Species at Risk

Non-game Freshwater Fish in British Columbia


The Species at Risk Act has recently come into full effect, and there are currently 79 aquatic species or unique populations listed under the Act.  One of the requirements under SARA is the development of a “recovery plan” for all threatened or endangered species, and a “management plan” for species of special concern.  For these plans to be effective they should review all available scientific evidence and make science-based recommendations for conservation and recovery.  The Recovery Team for Non-game Freshwater Fish in British Columbia was set up to provide such advice on a number of freshwater fish species native to British Columbia.  Most of the species addressed by the Recovery Team are not widely known, have restricted distributions, and a limited information base. 

Recovery Team

The Recovery Team was formed in early 2003.  We have a core membership along with occasional members with species-specific expertise.  Our role is to provide science-based conservation advice on non-game freshwater fish species in British Columbia, to develop draft recovery strategies and management plans for species listed under the Species at Risk Act, and to provide science-based recommendations for critical habitat identification.  Our advice is non-binding, and regulatory agencies have final control over content of documents posted on the SARA public registry.  The Recovery Team’s mandate is to provide science-related information and advice to the public, First Nations, government and NGOs.

Jordan Rosenfeld, BC Ministry of Environment, (co-chair)

Dan Sneep, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, (co-chair)      

Todd Hatfield, Solander Ecological Research, (coordinator)

Don McPhail, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia

John Richardson, Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia

Dolph Schluter, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia

Eric Taylor, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia

Paul Wood, Department of Forestry, University of British Columbia


Mike Pearson, Pearson Ecological (Nooksack Dace, Salish Sucker)

Marina Stejpovic, Township of Langley (Nooksack Dace, Salish Sucker)

Dick Beamish, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Morrison Creek Lamprey, Vancouver Lamprey)

Jim Palmer, Morrison Creek Streamkeepers (Morrison Creek Lamprey)





Columbia Sculpin



Cultus Pygmy Sculpin


misty lake stickleback.jpg

Misty Lake Sticklebacks



Morrison Creek Lamprey


Nooksackdace copy

Nooksack Dace



Salish Sucker


Shorthead Sculpin



Speckled Dace


Paxton gravid females small filesize

Stickleback Species Pairs


Vancouver Lamprey



Other Links

COSEWIC  (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada)   http://www.cosewic.gc.ca/eng/sct5/index_e.cfm

Species at Risk Act, Public Registry   http://www.sararegistry.gc.ca/default_e.cfm

BC Ministry of Environment, species at risk site   http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/atrisk/

BC Ministry of Environment, Conservation Data Centre   http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/cdc/