New User and Access Policy for RLR (Dan E.)

Hello everybody. As described in the lab meeting on 27th April 2012 I have instituted a new system of users and access to RLR.

The key change is that we will no longer run the blog as an entirely private site.


We will now have content that is published publicly, i.e. posts that anybody with the RLR url can see. We will, however, continue to maintain private content as well. Any post that contains, or links to, Rieseberg lab Intellectual property (e.g. unpublished data) will be published privately. Only current Rieseberg lab members who log into RLR will be able to see private content.


In order to facilitate tiered access to RLR we now have four categories of user . . .

Group Registered Role Can see Can Edit Can post
Admin* Yes Admin Everything Everything Yes
UBC/current Yes Editor Everything Almost everything Yes
Peripheral/ex Yes Author Public only Own posts Yes
“Friends” No None Public only Nothing No

*As of April 2012 Dan E. and Loren are Administrators of RLR, all other current members of the lab are Editors.


From now on, when you post at RLR please think about whether you should select “Public” or “Private” in the visibility setting of the Publish pane of the post editor. Select “Private” for any post that you do not want non lab members to see. If you are unsure about privacy or your content please ask Dan E. for clarification.


We now have the ability to share the public content posted at RLR with friends. If you are asked about the blog, or a subject that you know is covered by posts on the blog, by a grad student or postdoc from another lab at UBC, for example, you are welcome to give your inquisitor the url ( Please take the opportunity to impress upon such “Friends” that they should respect the resource that RLR is – be clear that they should acknowledge the authors of the great content we are accumulating at RLR should they find any of it helpful.

New Users

To contribute to RLR, i.e. to post, you need to be a registered user.

As of April 2012, Dan Ebert is responsible for Administering RLR and creating and managing user accounts. If you fall into one of the three categories described below and would like to become a registered user of RLR please contact Dan at

  1. You are a current (new) member of the Rieseberg lab.
  2. You are an ex Rieseberg lab member or are connected to the lab/Loren in some way.
  3. You are not a member of the Rieseberg lab but are local to Biodiversity (i.e. we know you) and you would like to contribute. (Please note that this category is under consideration and may be abandoned).

Keep posting,

Dan E.