Tissue dessication with table salt

There is a new paper published by Elena Carrió and Josep A. Roselló online early in Molecular Ecology Resources that suggests salt dessication of leaves dehydrates and prevents decay at levels similar to that of silica gel, with similar PCR results.

Large-grain silica is probably still the best option, but this would come in really handy if you come across something interesting that you want to collect but don’t happen to have silica gel with you.

Here is the main figure (link to the paper below):

Thanks to Maggie Wagner from the TMO lab who found this paper and sent it around. Here is a link to the full article:


DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12170

Say hello to my little friends

It is my pleasure to introduce a new species to the Rieseberg lab: Alliaria petiolata (aka garlic mustard) is an invasive species in North America that is also widespread in Europe. Unfortunately we have had some problems with fungus and getting seeds to germinate, but we are moving forward.

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Newest Lab Member – Needs Name

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to introduce you to our newest lab member… actually it doesn’t have a name yet, but that’s the main reason for this post. This cute little guy/girl needs a name. I have been toying with TERMINATOR, HAL, iRob, and Rob(ot), but I’m sure you can do better. Could be male, female, or gender-neutral and whoever comes up with the best name gets a special treat.

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CheapEasy DIY Barcodes in R

I couldn’t believe how expensive the software was for writing barcodes, so I wrote a short program in R to do it for FREE. And, frankly it should be faster and easier if you already have your labels in an Excel file. You don’t really need to understand the program or even R functions to use it, as long as you know how to run an R program.

Setup and Overview:

[UPDATED (see notes below)] – R-code. Start with this (Note I could not upload a .R file, so this is .txt but still an R program).

Input – barcodes128.csv – You need this file to run the program. Save it in your working directory (see comments in R code for how to set this). AND labels.csv – This is a sample file showing the format for your labels. Even though it’s a .csv, it is a single column with each label as a separate row, so there are no actual commas

Output – BarcodesOut.pdf – A sample output: a pdf file for the 0.5″x1.75″ Worth Poly Label WP0517 (Polyester Label Stock), currently in the lab

That’s really all you need to know, everything that follows is extraneous info. If you have any problems, check out the Detailed Instructions, Troubleshooting Tips, or add a comment below. Continue reading