Online Version of the Formula Sheets for use on Exams

This is the web version of the formula sheets you will be given. This file has been converted from Word, so it doesn't come out perfectly in HTML, the web language. In general, I'll try to provide any formulas you will need for exams on the exam formula sheets. This course is not about memorizing formulas.

You should note that some of the equations won't look familiar yet, and a few may never look familiar, since this list assumes that we cover all possible topics including ones I may drop if time is short. There may also be a few formulas missing from this list that I'll try to include for the exams.



























           Total df = n - 1

Regression df = 1            Residual df = n - 2            Treatment df = k - 1            Error df = n - k

Compare critical value to:


HA: Group 1 < Group 2

HA: Group 1 > Group 2

Low to High



High to Low



HA: Group 1 > Group 2 use T-

HA: Group 1 < Group 2 use T+

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