Here is a UBC press release.
Delmore, K.E., J.W. Fox, and D.E. Irwin. 2012. Dramatic intraspecific differences in migratory routes, stopover sites and wintering areas revealed using light-level geolocators. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, published online ahead of print.
This paper is getting quite a bit of coverage in the popular press:
Kira’s CBC Radio interview with Daybreak South host Chris Walker
Articles in:
Huffington Post: “Birds with backpacks help UBC track bird migration“
Maclean’s: “Tiny backpacks show birds don’t always flock together“
Vancouver Sun: “B.C. birds lug backpacks along migration, fill them with data”
The Province: “Backpack-toting birds give UBC researchers something to crow about”
Birdwatch Magazine: “Swainson’s thrushes keep their distance”
ScienceDaily: “Backpack-toting birds help researchers reveal migratory divide, conservation hotspots”
Congratulations to Kira and all involved for this great work. How wonderful to get so much press coverage.