Biology 427 (Ornithology and Herpetology)

Note that, starting in January 2012, birds will be the primary focus of this course, with amphibians and reptiles referred to only briefly. We will discuss a wide variety of topics in ornithology, including avian ecology, evolution, physiology, behavior, and conservation, with particular attention to species from British Columbia. Students will learn: (a) how to identify species, both in the field under winter conditions and in the laboratory using prepared specimens, (b) how to conduct field inventories of birds and to present scientific reports, and (c) general knowledge regarding the evolutionary history, taxonomy, ecology, behavior, and conservation of birds. Field research will take place in Pacific Spirit Park and/or other areas chosen by students. The practical skills taught in this course may be useful for obtaining employment as a naturalist, field ecologist, conservation biologist, or environmental consultant. We also hope that this course enriches the lives of students by generating enthusiasm and interest in biodiversity and natural history.

This course involves much fieldwork outside of class time. Students who are uncomfortable outdoors in winter conditions or who do not have a strong interest in field observation might not find the course suitable. We do welcome motivated students who have unusual needs (please talk to the instructor).

2012 Fall Term (September-December 2012)

Instructor: Dr. Darren Irwin (web site, email). Office hours: Tuesdays 10:30-11:45 AM, Biodiversity 209 (or by appt).

TA: David Toews (email)

Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00-9:50 AM, Food, Nutrition & Health, room 40

Labs: Tuesday or Thursday, 2-5 p.m., Biodiversity 060, starting the second week of class (Sept. 11/13).


Required materials

  • A good field notebook and pen or pencil.
  • Any good field guide to the birds of western North America. Make sure that you get a guide which includes all species that are likely to be observed in British Columbia. My top three recommendations, all of which are excellent guides:
National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Sixth Edition, by Jon L. Dunn and Jonathan Alderfer (2011): Includes all species in North America, in a fairly compact and easy-to use book. This is my favorite guide. (Available at the UBC Bookstore)
National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of Western North America, by Jon L. Dunn and Jonathan Alderfer (2008): Includes all species in western North America, so more compact and easier to use in that region. You would need a different guide if you go to Alberta or further east. A good choice for this course.
The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America, by David Allen Sibley (2003): Another excellent guide to birds in western North America, in a nicely shaped book. Would also work well for this course. You would need a different guide if you go east.

Optional materials

  • The textbook Ornithology, by Frank Gill (3rd edition, 2007, Freeman). (Available at the UBC Bookstore)

General course information (links coming soon):

Lecture and lab material (and other secret things):

For students in the class only, click here for lecture notes and other secret material (you will need the password) given in class.

General phylogeny links:

Tree of Life web project: A large collaborative effort to construct the phylogeny of life.

Animal Diversity Web: Another good source of phylogenetic relationships between major taxonomic groups, run by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.

UCMP Taxon Lift: Run by the University of California Museum of Paleontology, this site has good information regarding relationships of modern and extinct taxa.

Birdy links:

eBird Canada: A site where you can enter your own bird observations, see your life list, and see range maps and summaries of observations submitted by other people. Very fun!

Birds of North America: An excellent source of detailed information on all the birds of North America. There is a print version at the Woodward Library, and UBC students also have access to the online version.

A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds: The official list of North American Birds, as kept by the American Ornithologists' Union.

Birding in British Columbia: A nice site with information on birding in B.C., complete with a Rare Bird Alert.

The Internet Bird Collection: A huge collection of videos of more than 6000 bird species!

Conan O'Brien goes birding: For some good laughs.

Amphibian and Reptile links:

Reptiles of British Columbia

BC Frogwatch Program

Jobs and volunteer opportunities: