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Looking for an interesting topic to present? Check these ideas out:


The following topics have been accepted but not yet assigned for a presentation. Please form teams (or 1 team for a defence) and sign-up for one of these topics by sending me an email. Teams may consist of 1-4 members; both teams don't have to be the same size. I'll need to know the names of all the team members (both teams) and the date/time you'd like to present.

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The following topics have been proposed but not yet accepted. Please leave your comments, explaining whether you think they would be appropriate for class discussion or not.


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New Topic

Have an idea for a new topic? Propose it here. Login as "ISCI 300 Student" / "isci300" to add a new post. Make sure you fill in the following:

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Primary Category: Proposed

So, what are we looking for in topics? First, they should make good debate topics that further the course goals. Also, since we're trying to understand what science is we want topics that are at the dubious limits of science. They shouldn't be clearly scientific or clearly unscientific--but in the murky area in between. Then we want the debate topic to hover around the questions,

Is this topic scientific? Can it be tackled scientifically? How much can science tell us about it? What are the limits of science in addressing this topic?

When complete, refresh the Proposed Topics frame to see your post listed.

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Not all ideas are going to make the cut. Visit the rejected ideas here. If you can convince me that it could be a suitable topic, I'd be happy to reconsider any of these.

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[Email Jeff]
Last updated: Tue Oct 16 2007