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The Chain of Being |
Aristotle (384-322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, who examined the natural world for evidence of a divine order. Aristotle devised a hierarchical arrangement of natural forms, termed the "Scala Naturae" or Chain of Being.
Species were arranged in a linear fashion along a scale: God, man, mammals, egg-laying animals, insects, plants, and non-living matter.
Aristotle's ideas formed the basis for the western belief in a fixity of species, each of which has a typical form.
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Father of Modern Taxonomy |
Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778 AD) classified organisms following a binomial system of nomenclature, giving each species a specific and generic name [e.g. Homo sapiens (Genus species)].
Although his classification was largely based on morphology, Linnaeus recognized a fundamental difference between organisms that could interbreed (within a species) and those that could not (different species).
His classification system departed from the chain of being and reflected a nested series of relationships. The modernized Linnaean system groups organisms into: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Humans are classified as: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Primates, Family Hominidae, Genus Homo, Species Homo sapiens.
Linnaeus believed in a balance of nature, within which each species had its place. Since this balance was thought to reflect a divine plan, Linnaeus originally believed that species would neither change nor go extinct. Linnaeus later recognized that new species may occasionally arise, particularly through hybridization. One of Linnaeus' students first described a new species formed by hybridization in toadflax. |
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Degénération |
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788 AD) believed that the origin of life and species followed a material process, and looked to the physical and biological world for clues to this process.
In 1766, Buffon argued that the relationships among species in the Linnaean system of classification reflected common descent ("degénération"), with divergence over time.
Buffon placed great emphasis on the physical environment, which was thought to direct (somehow) the organic changes leading to a new species. The speciation process was thus caused by individual migration to new geographical locations, wherein the environment would cause changes to the organic particles.
Nevertheless, Buffon thought that the extent of divergence was limited to within a family. Each family had its own internal "mold" to which every species conformed, but species could change over time to some degree.
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Was born and nurs'd in ocean's pearly caves; First forms minute, unseen by spheric glass, Move on the mud, or pierce the watery mass; These, as successive generations bloom, New powers acquire and larger limbs assume; Whence countless groups of vegetation spring, And breathing realms of fin and feet and wing.
Erasmus Darwin |
Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) was a leading philosopher, naturalist, and physician in 18th century Britain, who wrote one of the first treatises on evolution: Zoonomia: Or The Laws of Organic Life (1794-1796). He was also the grandfather of Charles Darwin.
Erasmus believed in the self-improvement of a species, through a constant effort to adapt to the environment (transformism or transmutation). He argued that life consisted of "one living filament", connecting all current forms to one common ancestor.
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Inheritance of Acquired Characters
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) was a French professional naturalist, who also developed a theory of transformism.
Lamarck believed in organic progression, whereby organisms would evolve through a hierarchy of more and more advanced forms. At the base of this hierarchy, "simple" organisms were constantly arising via spontaneous generation.
The mechanism by which organisms advanced and adapted to changing circumstances was described in Lamarck's Philosophie zoologique(1809):
Lamarck's "First Law": The use or disuse of a structure would lead to its development or diminishment.
Lamarck's "Second Law": Such acquired characters could be passed to offspring (heritable).
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Principle of Overproduction
Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) was an English clergyman, whose writings on population growth had a strong influence on the theory of evolution by natural selection developed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.
In An Essay on the Principle of Population (1797), Malthus observed that most organisms produce far more offspring than can possibly survive.
Even when resources are plentiful, the size of a population tends to increase geometrically until the population outstrips its food supply. This led Malthus to believe that poverty, disease, and famine was a natural and inevitable phenomenon, leading to a "struggle for existence".
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Charles Lyell (1797-1875) was an English geologist, whose Principles of Geology influenced both Darwin and Wallace.
Lyell believed that the earth was constantly changing and that the processes that had molded the earth's surface could be understood from current-day geological activities.
Lyell held a "uniformitarian" view of the world, meaning that the world was subject to gradual and continuous change. Yet, there was no progress or development over time in Lyell's world-view. The earth simply remained at steady-state.
Lyell's position suggested that the world had always been (roughly) similar to its current state. In particular, Lyell believed that the species composition of the world remained unchanged, with at least some members of all classes of organisms existing throughout the history of the earth.
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Natural Selection
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English naturalist, a prolific writer, and a gentleman of private means that allowed him to focus on his life's work: the development of the theory of evolution by means of natural selection.
As a young man, Darwin was enlisted as a companion and naturalist aboard the H.M.S. Beagle (1831-1836). His voyage took him around the tip of South America to New Zealand and Tasmania.
Darwin read Lyell's Principles of Geology while on board the Beagle and came to accept Lyell's view that long-term geological processes were responsible for shaping the earth's surface in a gradual manner. Indeed, Darwin successfully applied uniformatarianism to explain the development of coral reefs.
Perhaps the single-most important influence on Darwin's intellectual development was an appreciation, developed during the voyage, for biogeographical patterns.
Darwin noticed that two similar species (e.g. two species of rhea, a South American flightless bird) would often co-exist within a boundary zone. Within this zone, clearly neither species was superior and especially created to match the local circumstances. Instead, the species must compete with each other for survival within this territory.
Darwin also noticed that barriers, especially oceanic barriers, often led to distinctly different groups of species on different land masses. Why is the rhea of South America so different from the ostrich of Africa when the two have such similar lifestyles under such similar circumstances? Clearly, migration across oceans was limited, but why would a creator be limited by such boundaries?
It was Darwin's visit to the Galapagos islands, hundreds of miles west of South America, that would most clearly lead to Darwin's views on the origin of species. Darwin puzzled over the fact that the giant tortoises from different islands were distinct from one another -- why would there be a separate creation of such similar forms on islands so close to one another?
Darwin was also impressed by the great diversity of finch species on the islands, although Darwin had difficulty classifying the finches and thought that his collection contained a wide assortment of birds including wrens, gross-beaks, and black-bird relatives. [It later turned out that all these specimens were closely related and represented a remarkable diversification of finch species]. |
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Darwin did recognize the differences between mockingbirds on different islands that he visited and wrote:
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Thus, by 1838, Darwin came to believe in transmutation, which was neither directed by the will of the individual (as believed by Lamarck) nor by direct oversight of a creator.
As each population changes by natural selection, geographically isolated populations would become more and more different from one another ("divergent"). Darwin believed that this would initially lead to different varieties within a species. Eventually, with sufficient time and divergence, evolution by natural selection would also lead to new species and higher taxanomic divisions, in an ever branching process.
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Natural Selection Co-Discovered
In 1858, Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913) sent Darwin a manuscript from the Malay archipelago (Indonesia) describing Wallace's independent discovery of evolution by natural selection.
Wallace, unlike Darwin, was relatively poor and supported himself and his world-wide travels by capturing and selling specimens. Like Darwin, Wallace travelled to South America and throughout the Pacific. Observing biodiversity and biogeography first hand was also critical to the development of Wallace's views:
-- Wallace (1905; My Life) describing his discovery in 1858
Charles Lyell and Joseph Hooker quickly arranged for both Darwin's and Wallace's views to be presented at the meetings of the Linnean Society in London in 1858.
The next year, Darwin published The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. The depth and breadth of Darwin's book, developed over twenty years of thought and research, revolutionized science.
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Mendelian Genetics
The greatest weakness in the theory of evolution by natural selection was the fact that Darwin and Wallace knew neither how variation among individuals was generated nor how it was inherited.
The rediscovery of Gregory Mendel's work by Carl Correns and Hugo de Vries in 1900 clarified the laws of inheritance, at least for discrete characters (such as pea color).
Mendelian rules explain why offspring tend to resemble parents.
Mendelian genetics has one important characteristic: variation is not lost over time simply due to reproduction. In contrast, with blending inheritance, offspring are the average of their parents and a diverse parental generation will be followed by a less diverse offspring generation.
Yet, it remained unclear whether Mendel's rules applied to continuously varying traits, such as height and weight. |
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Uniting Mendelian and Quantitative Genetics
In 1918, Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890-1962) demonstrated that a large number of Mendelian characters (genes) influencing the same trait would lead to a nearly continuous distribution of trait values. The frequency distribution of traits would then look approximately normal (i.e. like a bell), as is the case for traits such as height and weight.
(We'll talk more about Fisher and other important 20th century evolutionary biologists throughout the term.)
Sources for information and pictures: