Autoradiography - a means of following labelled compounds in tissue sections or flattened cells

Above: A labelled cell or tissue section is covered with a thin layer of photographic emulsion. This consists of a layer of AgBr crystals in a gelatin matrix. Beta particles (electrons) released by decay of the radioisotope interact with a few silver ions to produce a few silver atoms. AgBr crystals containing these silver atoms are called 'activated'.

Below. In a second step of the process, the activated AgBr crystals containing silver atoms are preferentially reduced to silver metal by a chemical reducing agent in the photographic developer. The silver atoms in the activated AgBr crystal serve as a 'seed' for reduction of silver during the development process. This results in an image of the cell or tissue overlain by black silver metal spots (grains).

This procedure can be adapted for use at the EM level.