Coast Horned Lizard

posted in: my encounters with nature | 0

Back in the summer of 2008, I was lucky enough to take this picture of a coast horned lizard (Phrynosoma blainvillii) that I caught at Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve in southern California. This lizard used to be found throughout much … Continued

Ant altered food webs

posted in: Research | 0

The western thatch ant, Formica obscuripes, is an abundant, generalist predator in coastal dune ecosystems of northern California.  This ant tends several aphid species (Aphis farinosa in video) for their honeydew and aphids are protected from predators while they are … Continued

Wind swept food webs

posted in: Research | 0

Wind is a pervasive abiotic force in coastal dune ecosystems of northern California and can have dramatic effects on plant growth.  The willow, Salix hookeriana, is an abundant tree in these coastal dunes and they host a diverse community of … Continued