Most of the likelihood methods in diversitree (and other programs) are prone to be mislead by unreplicated associations; for example
If a tree has a highly diverse clade with one of the states overrepresented BiSSE may conclude that trait is significantly associated with increased rates of speciation.
Given a pair of binary traits, A and B, if one clade has mostly species with states A = 1, B = 1, while the rest of the tree is mostly A = 0, B = 0, discrete (Pagel, 1994) or diversitree's mkn.multitrait
may conclude there is significant assoociation between these traits (that is, the rate of evolution of one trait depends on the state of the other).
ML doesn't count the number of instances of transitions, just strength of evidence for the alternate models. These are the sort of unreplicated comparisons that the comparative method is meant to avoid, and which are used to motivate Felsenstein (1985). This issue was discussed by Read & Nee (1995) but it is not widely appreciated.
Here, I show a couple of toy examples as to how the problem can arise under multistate Markov model and BiSSE, and how phylogenetically independent contrasts is not immune to this problem (but that it may be easily detectable).
First, load diversitree and simulate a pure birth tree (with rate .1).
## Loading required package: deSolve
## Loading required package: ape
## Loading required package: subplex
n.spp <- 30
phy <- ladderize(tree.yule(.1, max.taxa=n.spp))
This will be tree used for all examples
plot(phy, show.node.label=TRUE, no.margin=TRUE, cex=.8)
nd14 will be our target node; below this point, the clade will behave "differently" to the rest of the clade.
target <- "nd14"
Convert this name to Ape's node index:
idx <- match(target, phy$node.label) + n.spp
Identify descendant species of this node
desc <- sort(get.descendants(target, phy, tips.only=TRUE))
Here is our focal group, highlighted in red
plot(phy, tip.color=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"),
nodelabels(node=idx, pch=19, cex=2, col="#ef2929")
Trait 1 is shared across this group, and with nobody else.
t1 <- as.integer(1:n.spp %in% desc)
names(t1) <- phy$tip.label
## sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 sp5 sp6 sp7 sp8 sp9 sp10 sp11 sp12 sp13 sp14 sp15
## 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
## sp16 sp17 sp18 sp19 sp20 sp21 sp22 sp23 sp24 sp25 sp26 sp27 sp28 sp29 sp30
## 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Determine rate coefficients for the evolution of this trait, assuming a Mk2 model:
lik1 <- make.mk2(phy, t1)
fit1 <- find.mle(lik1, rep(.1, 2))
## q01 q10
## 0.004849 0.000003
Now, suppose we have two perfectly codistribted traits "a" and "b";
traits <- data.frame(a=t1, b=t1)
Make a 2-trait likelihood function, assuming that the two traits are independent:
lik2 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, traits, depth=0)
## [1] "qa01.0" "qa10.0" "qb01.0" "qb10.0"
And fit this model with ML:
p2 <- rep(coef(fit1), 2)
names(p2) <- NULL
fit2 <- find.mle(lik2, p2)
We get the same basic coefficients when treating the traits separately:
## q01 q10
## 0.004849 0.000003
## qa01.0 qa10.0 qb01.0 qb10.0
## 0.004849 0.000003 0.004849 0.000003
all.equal(coef(fit2)[1:2], coef(fit1), check.attr=FALSE)
## [1] TRUE
Now, allow correlated evolution by allowing the q01 and q10 parameters to vary according to the state of the other trait:
lik3 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, traits, depth=1)
p3 <- rep(0, 8)
names(p3) <- argnames(lik3)
p3[argnames(lik2)] <- coef(fit2)
Fit the model
fit3 <- find.mle(lik3, rep(.1, 8))
Basically once trait 'a' has shifted from 0 → 1, we instantaneously shift in state 'b'.
## qa01.0 qa01.b qa10.0 qa10.b qb01.0 qb01.a qb10.0 qb10.a
## 0 0 0 0 0 7358338 481 -481
This model is a statistical improvement over the uncorrelated model.
anova(fit3, uncorrelated=fit2)
## Df lnLik AIC ChiSq Pr(>|Chi|)
## full 8 -6.46 28.9
## uncorrelated 4 -12.93 33.9 12.9 0.012
Likelihood improvement:
dll <- fit3$lnLik - fit2$lnLik
## [1] 6.463
Simulate 100 traits on the tree with an equal forward/backward transition rate of r
r <- .02
t2 <- replicate(100,
sim.character(phy, c(r, r), x=0, model="mk2"),
And fit these the same way:
f <- function(t2) {
lik0 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, data.frame(a=t1, b=t2), depth=0)
p0 <- rep(r, 4)
fit0 <- find.mle(lik0, p0)
lik1 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, data.frame(a=t1, b=t2))
p1 <- rep(0, 8)
names(p1) <- argnames(lik1)
p1[argnames(lik0)] <- coef(fit0)
fit1 <- find.mle(lik1, p1)
fit1$lnLik - fit0$lnLik
This takes a minute or so, so run it in parallel:
ans <- unlist(mclapply(t2, f))
Histogram of likelihood improvements, with previous case in red, and 5% cut-off in blue:
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, .5, .5))
hist(ans, xlim=range(ans, dll), main="", las=1,
xlab="Likelihood impovement")
abline(v=dll, col="red")
abline(v=qchisq(1/20, 4, lower=FALSE)/2, col="blue")
Most of the time, a random character would not be significantly associated with our special trait. But two perfectly co-occurring traits have extremely high support for a model that treats their evolution as non-independent, even though this is unreplicated.
With the tree above, fit a BiSSE model
lik <- make.bisse(phy, t1, control=list(method="CVODES"))
p <- starting.point.bisse(phy)
fit.ssd <- find.mle(lik, p)
Fit the state independent model (constrain both speciation and extinction rates to not vary with the trait).
lik.sid <- constrain(lik, lambda1 ~ lambda0, mu1 ~ mu0)
fit.sid <- find.mle(lik.sid, p[argnames(lik.sid)])
There is no significant association between the trait and diversification here:
anova(fit.ssd, sid=fit.sid)
## Df lnLik AIC ChiSq Pr(>|Chi|)
## full 6 -96.2 204
## sid 4 -97.4 203 2.5 0.29
Next, tweak the tree so that the focal clade is apparently different. This is a bit of a pain to do. First, identify all edges descended from that node
i <- phy$edge[,2] %in% sort(get.descendants(target, phy))
plot(phy, no.margin=TRUE,
edge.color=ifelse(i, "#ef2929", "black"),
tip.color=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"))
Compress these red edges towards the present, and lengthen the stem lineage accordingly. Scale branches by a factor 'p' (must be less than 1)
p <- .3
j <- match(idx, phy$edge[,2])
phy2 <- phy
phy2$edge.length[i] <- phy2$edge.length[i] * p
phy2$edge.length[j] <-
phy$edge.length[j] + branching.times(phy)[target] * (1 - p)
The modified tree is still ultrametric
## [1] TRUE
Here is the compressed tree:
plot(phy2, no.margin=TRUE,
edge.color=ifelse(i, "#ef2929", "black"),
tip.color=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"))
Fit BiSSE models to the tree, first with state-dependent diversification
lik2 <- make.bisse(phy2, t1, control=list(method="CVODES"))
p <- starting.point.bisse(phy2)
fit2.ssd <- find.mle(lik2, p)
And without
lik2.sid <- constrain(lik2, lambda1 ~ lambda0, mu1 ~ mu0)
fit2.sid <- find.mle(lik2.sid, p[argnames(lik2.sid)])
There is now significant association between the trait and diversification, even though this is not replicated!
anova(fit2.ssd, sid=fit2.sid)
## Df lnLik AIC ChiSq Pr(>|Chi|)
## full 6 -86.4 185
## sid 4 -91.2 190 9.53 0.0085
Generalise this a bit to look how the likelihood improvement varies with the scaling factor.
g <- function(p) {
phy2 <- phy
phy2$edge.length[i] <- phy2$edge.length[i] * p
phy2$edge.length[j] <-
phy$edge.length[j] + branching.times(phy)[target] * (1 - p)
lik2 <- make.bisse(phy2, t1, control=list(method="CVODES"))
p <- starting.point.bisse(phy2)
fit2.ssd <- find.mle(lik2, p)
lik2.sid <- constrain(lik2, lambda1 ~ lambda0, mu1 ~ mu0)
fit2.sid <- find.mle(lik2.sid, p[argnames(lik2.sid)])
fit2.ssd$lnLik - fit2.sid$lnLik
Run this with scaling parameters varying from .1 (extremely compressed towards the future) and 1 (unchanged from the original tree).
p <- seq(1, .1, length=16)
ans.b <- unlist(mclapply(p, g))
The improvement in the likelihood increases rapidly as the tree deviates more and more from the BD model:
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, .5, .5))
plot(ans.b ~ p, las=1, xlab="Scaling factor (1 is unchanged)",
ylab="Likelihood improvement", type="o", pch=19)
abline(h=qchisq(1/20, 2, lower=FALSE)/2, col="blue")
However, we can partition the tree and allow rates to vary here. First check that this model will fit better without accounting for the state-dependent diversification: <- <- find.mle(,
High speciation and extinction rates, compared with the values used to simulate the tree (.1):
## lambda mu
## 0.2076 0.1574
lik.bd2 <-, target)
fit.bd2 <- find.mle(lik.bd2, c(.1, 0, .1, 0), method="subplex")
The base partition (black branches in the figures) have rates similar to the simulated values. The focal clade (red in the figures) has strongly elevated rates.
## lambda.1 mu.1 lambda.2 mu.2
## 0.1189 0.0561 0.4650 0.1446
This improvement is significant;
## Df lnLik AIC ChiSq Pr(>|Chi|)
## full 4 -12.1 32.2
## unsplit 2 -15.5 35.0 6.81 0.033
Split BiSSE likelihood function <- make.bisse.split(phy2, t1, target)
Constrain trait evolution over the whole tree: <- constrain(, q01.2 ~ q01.1, q10.2 ~ q10.1,
mu1.1 ~ mu0.1, mu1.2 ~ mu0.2)
(I also disallowed state-dependent extinction as that causes problems trying to explain the pattern of trait evolution)
And make a version with no state-dependent diversification: <- constrain(,
lambda1.1 ~ lambda0.1,
lambda1.2 ~ lambda0.2)
The state-independent version has 6 parameters; two speciation rates (one per partition), two extinction rates, and two character transition rates.
## [1] "lambda0.1" "mu0.1" "q01.1" "q10.1" "lambda0.2" "mu0.2"
Starting point, based on the birth-death fit:
p.sid <- rep(0, 6)
names(p.sid) <- argnames(
p.sid[sub("\\.", "0.", names(coef(fit.bd2)))] <- coef(fit.bd2)
p.sid[c("q01.1", "q10.1")] <- .1 <- find.mle(, p.sid)
The coefficients here look like the birth-death case, with low rates of 0 → 1 transition, and no reverse (1 → 0) transitions.
## lambda0.1 mu0.1 q01.1 q10.1 lambda0.2 mu0.2
## 0.1192 0.0566 0.0044 0.0000 0.4647 0.1441
Expand this point to allow for state-dependent diversification:
p.sdd <- coef(, TRUE)[argnames(] <- find.mle(, p.sdd)
This is now not significant (though the improvement in likelihood is greater than I would have thought).
## Df lnLik AIC ChiSq Pr(>|Chi|)
## full 8 -85.4 187
## sid 6 -87.8 188 4.62 0.099
I think what is going on here is that currently the stem leading to the focal group is included in that group. However, the (fake) diversification shift happens rather closer to the node. So that aspect of the tree still needs explaining.
This is the sort of thing that Felsenstein (1985) warns against, but still causes a problem with continous traits, if Brownian motion is not a suitable model.
x <- sim.character(phy, .1)
y <- sim.character(phy, .1)
plot(x, y, col=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"),
pch=19, las=1)
Compute phylogenetically independent contrast with ape's pic
x.pic <- pic(x, phy)
y.pic <- pic(y, phy)
and run a correlation test (regression through the origin gives essentially the same result).
cor.test(x.pic, y.pic)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: x.pic and y.pic
## t = -0.2981, df = 27, p-value = 0.7679
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -0.4151 0.3159
## sample estimates:
## cor
## -0.05727
Now, replace the values of the focal clade with new trait values, offset by some amount, but evolved under BM with the same rate. First, clip out the subtree corresponding to the focal clade:
desc <- sort(get.descendants(target, phy, tips.only=TRUE))
phy.sub <- drop.tip(phy, phy$tip.label[-desc])
These were the state values at the target node from the original simulation:
x0 <- attr(x, "node.state")[target]
y0 <- attr(y, "node.state")[target]
Offset these values by 3 and continue the simulation, replacing the values in the x
and y
x[desc] <- sim.character(phy.sub, .1, x0=x0+3)
y[desc] <- sim.character(phy.sub, .1, x0=y0+3)
plot(x, y, col=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"),
pch=19, las=1)
Recompute the independent contrasts:
x.pic <- pic(x, phy)
y.pic <- pic(y, phy)
Do a correlation test (again, regression through the origin gives essentially the same answer).
cor.test(x.pic, y.pic)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: x.pic and y.pic
## t = 2.328, df = 27, p-value = 0.02766
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.04979 0.67430
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.4088
This is actually quite significant; not much less so than the correlation of the raw data.
cor.test(x, y)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: x and y
## t = 2.601, df = 28, p-value = 0.01467
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.09621 0.69154
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.4412
Plotting the contrasts, there is a fairly clear outlier.
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, .5, .5))
plot(x.pic, y.pic, las=1, pch=19)
This is the node that is the parent of the focal clade and another smaller group.
While similarly mislead, at least independent contrasts provide a simple way of identifying the misleading nodes.
Felsenstein J (1985). "Phylogenies and the comparative method." The American Naturalist, 125, pp. 1-15.
Pagel M (1994). "Detecting correlated evolution on phylogenies: a general method for the comparative analysis of discrete characters." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 255, pp. 37-45.
Read AF and Nee S (1995). "Inference from binary comparative data." Journal of Theoretical Biology, 173, pp. 99-108.
Document compiled on 2012-05-10 21:41:33 PDT
With R version and diversitree version 0.9.4
. Original source: unreplicated.R