Conochilus colony
sample: Hammer Lake
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image is false colour
photo: Danusia Dolecki |
sample: Vidette Lake
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stained with Lugol
photo: Derek Tan |
sample: Vidette Lake
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image is false colour
photo: Danusia Dolecki |
sample: Vidette Lake
stained with Lugol
photo: Derek Tan |
sample: Allan Lake
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stained with Lugol
photo: Derek Tan |
Keratella cochlearis
sample: Vidette Lake
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stained with Lugol
photo: Derek Tan |
Keratella quadrata
sample: Vidette Lake
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stained with Lugol
photo: Derek Tan |
photo: Danusia Dolecki |
unknown rotifer
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photo: Danusia Dolecki |
Specimens are stained with Lugol
Photos by Derek Tan unless otherwise noted |