Researchers in the Department of Zoology at the University of British Columbia study the behavior of a number of organisms, focusing on fish, marine mammals, and birds. Specific research programs of behavioural biologists within the Department of Zoology include:
Behavioural ecology, social dynamics and acoustic behaviour of cetaceans (J. K. B. Ford)
Foraging, memory, and energetic performance in hummingbirds (L. Gass)
Ecology and behaviour of salmonid fishes
as it relates to ecological theory and resource management (M. C. Healey)
Behavioral ecology and behavioral endocrinology of fish (N.R. Liley)
Fisheries evaluation; fish behaviour; assessment and management of fisheries (T. Pitcher)
Population biology and evolutionary
ecology, particularly of brood parasitic birds (James Smith)
Population biology and bioenergetics of Steller sea lions; interactions between marine mammals and commercial fisheries (A. W. Trites)
Journals (many
with tables of contents, abstracts and full text):