Biology 448 – Writing Your Research Paper


how to structure your paper...or what to include and what to avoid


In General











Some common faults in written papersthere is a list of items at this heading, similar to the list above


In General


                 By the time you begin writing your paper, you will have been reading many other papers from the literature, and you will also have heard my opinion on what makes “good research”. Follow the style of professional examples, avoiding florid and/or anecdotal expression in favour of straightforward, simple statements.

Write in the first or the third person (either is acceptable, as long as you are consistent!), be clear and concise, and guide the reader through the paper so that one idea leads to another. (Construct a flowchart or detailed outline before writing, and stick to it - this ensures logical order.) Begin writing by establishing the form of the “simpler” sections (Methods, References), then outlining the Introduction, Results, and Discussion; this gives you a framework into which to fit conclusions as you make them. English composition skills are very important; whatever your writing experience, the clarity of your project will benefit dramatically from the efforts of a proofreader. Your paper must be double-spaced, with margins wide enough for comments, and all pages should be numbered. A length of approximately 15-20 typed pages, not counting tables, figures, and references, would be normal.




This might seem trivial, but it isn't. You need a brief, informative title. Look at journal examples.


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A condensation of your hypotheses, method, results, and interpretation, in less than 200 words (!); shorter, but more complex, than a Summary, and highlighting the broad significance of your major findings. No need for an Abstract if you have a Summary. (see Summary section below).




States the nature of the problem you studied, and the general approach you took. Includes enough literature background to show why you did your work, and how it was biologically relevant (sticks to general issues, and does not provide detailed comparisons with particular case studies, which come in the Discussion). A clear statement of the specific questions or hypotheses you addressed, and the predictions you made from them, comes at the end of the Introduction.

It may be useful to insert, right after the Introduction, a “Study Species” section, in which you briefly outline the taxonomy, distribution, morphology, and general behaviour of the species of most concern to your paper. You would not cover, in such a section, the topic(s) which form the bulk of your paper.


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Describes: [1] where you worked and [2] what sort(s) of data you gathered, and how you gathered them (sample sizes, observational procedures, etc.). The Methods section should be detailed enough so that another person could use it as “instructions” to repeat the project.

Some students will be able to gather (and/or will have access to other sources of) data sufficient for statistical analysis. Any unusual statistical methods should be mentioned in the Methods section, but ordinary “off-the-shelf” tests need be mentioned only in the Results, with the analyses themselves. Instructors will advise on stats where needed.




Includes: [1] description of the behaviours of your study species (particularly observations relevant to your research topic); and [2] data summaries (averages, etc.) and analyses (how you evaluated the questions and hypothesis-tests proposed in the Introduction). Any terms you will be using (e.g. aggression, display) must be clearly defined here, if they weren’t already defined in Methods when you explained how you quantified them.

Where appropriate (i.e., frequently), present data in the form of tables, graphs, or sketches/photos. Number all “tables” in one sequence; in a separate sequence, number as “figures” all graphs, flowcharts, sketches, maps, diagrams, and photos (the last four of these categories must include an indication of the scale of the illustration). Each table and figure requires a caption understandable without reference to the text. The basic way of presenting information will still be in words (stating in the text), and all of your results, whether illustrated by a figure or table or not, must be described (at least briefly/qualitatively) in the text. Don't leave any tables or figures “hanging” - each one must be referred to in the text, by number, and its meaning stated. Graphs of summarized data (e.g. medians) usually require some indication of error (e.g. interquartile ranges); check a statistical reference, and/or consult instructors. When sizing tables and figures, make sure that any lines or symbols are large enough to be legible; place tables and figures as close as possible to their accompanying text. It is not necessary to use computer-drawn figures (hand-drawn is adequate), and not necessary to “imbed” figures and tables with text “flowing” around them; these details can waste your time and simply don’t matter.

Try to keep a parallel structure among all parts of your project (i.e. raise questions in a given order in the Introduction, outline in the same order your Methods of collecting data, describe Results in the same order, and then discuss them in the same order in the Discussion before introducing literature comparisons). Such parallelism makes it much easier for a reader to follow your argument, and to cross-reference points from various parts of your paper.

Some papers will likely end up with only anecdotal observations, and the bulk of the topic will be dealt with as a critical review of literature. It is still appropriate to cover your own observations in a Results section as above, as far as possible, before proceeding the a lengthy Discussion; consult instructors for advice, as this will vary student to student.


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                 Includes two components: [1] what you think your own observations mean, with respect to the questions you raised; and [2] how your findings compare with those in the literature. For most students, the comparative use of the literature will be the majority component of the Discussion, but at all points the Discussion should be informed by what the student was able to observe personally.

The Discussion is definitely not an essay in which you try to include “everything ever written” about the subject or species you chose. Your paper aims to describe, analyze, and understand a specific situation and/or problem - focus on things directly connected with those goals. When you do refer to the literature, be selective - try to use items which have a direct bearing on your particular study, not just any old thing on the general topic. Be guided by the style of selection seen in the papers you read while researching your topic. If the literature is divided (i.e. not unanimous) in its opinions, try to cover both the findings which agree and those which disagree with your observations, then seek ways of rationalizing and harmonizing them; try to present more than just the work which agrees with you! Good science not only tolerates, but also welcomes, plurality of opinion. [Remember that a  student can be right, and a  seasoned professional scientist can be wrong! There is no reason that your results can't be an improvement on theirs, especially for species and situations where relatively little is known for sure.]

Remember to use parallelism to improve your organization (see suggestion in Results section above).




                 A brief, point-by-point account of your ideas, methods, main findings, and their significance. Longer and more detailed, but simpler, than an Abstract; No need for a Summary if you have an Abstract (see Abstract section above).


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                 If you received useful proofreading, or advice from a source other than the supervisor, or generous funding, it is a matter of professional courtesy to acknowledge the person(s)/institutions involved. This section is not always necessary, and should be brief in any case. Once again, journal-article examples will provide guidelines.




Students today tend automatically to turn to the Internet when “researching” a topic. Be advised that, in most cases, serious researchers do not. Professional e-journals and university-based sites are obviously quite acceptable, but website contents in general are typically not traceable to an original author, and are not subject to professional peer-review; since quality-control in science is founded on the principles of identifiable authorship and peer evaluation of the work, most Internet information is unsatisfactory compared to journal articles. Basic web background information on some aspects of general biology may be valid starting-points for research.

All students will be doing a great deal of library research to augment their own observations. Some of the information will be found in dedicated topic-specific publications, but much will be spread across other journals and books covering biology in general. Be guided by how referencing is done in the papers you read, for instance how authors juxtapose competing results and use references to raise questions about methodology, and endeavour to place referenced information in context with your own. In the text, cite by author(s) and year rather than by code-number: e.g. “… this idea was first mentioned by Jones and Smith (1934)”, or “… this effect was also demonstrated in bacteria (Robinson et al. 1980) and in fungi (Brown & Black 1983)”.

Provide an alphabetic reference list (by first author) of all and only the works you actually cite in your paper, preferably following this easy-to-use format (use another format such as APA if you are comfortable with it, but be consistent – one format only); here are examples for a journal article, an article/chapter in a book, and a whole book:


Brown, R.T. 1999. Wing-loading in the flying pig Sus pseudopegasus. Journal of Dubious Biomechanics 8, 19-31.


Brown, R.T. &  M.J. Robinson. 2000. Grooming and feather-maintenance in flying pigs: the high cost of wallowing.     In: The Biology of Unusual Vertebrates (Ed. by T.D. Smith),  pp.159-175. Vancouver, BC: Credulity Publishing Ltd.


Robinson, M.J., R.T. Brown & L.N. Jones. 1995. Designing and Building a Free-flight Cage for Exercising your Flying Pigs. Abbotsford, BC: Aerial Livestock Press.


Internet sources should be referenced by author(s) (if known), last date updated (if known), page title, and website address in full; alphabetize references with these components into the main list of other reference materials. If you have only the “www._” addresses (no author names), place all of these together at “www” in your reference list. Bear in mind that (1) Internet sources may easily be examined (and perhaps dismissed) by readers, and (2) most professional readers will tend to downplay the significance and/or applicability of web-based findings to your work, unless they can be attributed to research professionals.


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Some common faults in written papers











                 - a lack of theoretical-reference background (you need this, before introducing your specific work)

- failure to specify the questions you addressed, and why you addressed them

                 - no account of the biological relevance of your hypothesis/es




                 - inaccurate or incomplete descriptions of site, procedures, equipment, etc.




                 - inaccurate or incomplete descriptions of what you observed

                 - tables and figures unaccompanied by explanations in the text (i.e. they're left “hanging”)

                 - tables and figures without captions, or without legends, or column-headings, etc.

                 - mis-referencing to table or figure numbers, or referring to one which isn't there (very hard to interpret!)

                 - curves on graphs not bold enough, or symbols too small to see, or only raw data presented

- no variation shown (this is probably the most frequent error in presenting results)

                 - statistical results incorrectly/unclearly expressed, or tests inappropriate (where stats are possible)

                 - no summarizing statement of major findings

                 - inappropriate inclusion of material which should be in the Discussion (e.g. explanations, references)


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                 - failure to discuss all interesting/meaningful findings from the Results

- failure to consider competing viewpoints from literature

                 - lack of incisive critical evaluation… you should be able to draw conclusions, and/or suggest new research




                 - leaving out a reference you cited in the text, or putting in a reference you didn't cite in the text

                 - making an error in citing (wrong format, or a mistake in author name, spelling, page number, etc.)

- “using” a reference without actually referring to it (also called plagiarism...)




- indirect writing (e.g. “The data were inspected and the following conclusion was made:...” vs. “I found:...”)

- confusing writing (e.g. dangling modifiers, faulty pronoun referents, jumping from topic to topic)

- sentences too long (often due to too many subordinate clauses)… or too short (mere fragments)

- poor (or no) proofreading, leading to annoying inconsistencies, misspellings, cut-and-paste errors, etc.

- make sure your reader never needs to “back up” or re-read sections to understand your paper


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