
HTML does not display many characters which are not part of the standard 128 ASCII character set. To display them, it is necessary to encode them.

ISO Latin1 Characters
Name Character 8bit ASCII Character Definition
$$ $ $ Dollar sign
& & & & Ampersand
’ ' ' Right apostrophe
&lt; < &#60; < Less than
&gt; > &#62; > Greater than
&lsquo; &#96; ` Left apostrophe
&#133; Ellipsis
&#150; En-dash
&#151; Em-dash
&nbsp;   &#160;   Non-breaking space
&iexcl; ¡ &#161; ¡ Inverted exclamation mark
&cent; ¢ &#162; ¢ Cent
&pound; £ &#163; £ Pound
&curren;¤ &#164; ¤ Currency
&yen; ¥ &#165; ¥ Yen/Yuan
&brvbar;¦ &#166; ¦ Broken bar
&sect; § &#167; § Section
&uml; ¨ &#168; ¨ Umlaut
&copy; © &#168; ¨ Copyright
&ordf; ª &#170; ª Feminine ordinal
&laquo; « &#171; « Left-pointing double angle quotation mark
&not; ¬ &#172; ¬ Not
&shy; ­ &#173; ­ Soft hyphen
&reg; ® &#174; ® Registered trademark sign
&macr; ¯ &#175; ¯ Macron
&deg; ° &#176; ° Degree
&plusmn;± &#177; ± Plus-minus
&sup2; ² &#178; ² 2 superscript
&sup3; ³ &#179; ³ 3 superscript
&acute; ´ &#180; ´ Acute
&micro; µ &#181; µ Micro
&para; &#182; Pilcrow
&middot;· &#183; · Centred dot
&cedil; ¸ &#184; ¸ Cedilla
&sup1; ¹ &#185; ¹ 1 superscript
&ordm; º &#186; º Masculine ordinal
&raquo; » &#187; » Right-pointing double angle quotation mark
&frac14;¼ &#188; ¼ One quarter
&frac12;½ &#189; ½ One half
&frac34;¾ &#190; ¾ Three quarters
&iquest;¿ &#191; ¿ Inverted question mark
Punctuation symbols
Name Character 8bit ASCII Character Definition
&quot; " &#34; " Quotation (Feet)
&dollar;$ &#36; $ Dollar sign
&iexcl; ¡ &#161; ¡ Inverted exclamation
&cent; ¢ &#162; ¢ Cents
&pound; £ &#163; £ Pounds
&curren;¤ &#164; ¤ Currency
&yen; ¥ &#165; ¥ Yen
&sect; § &#167; § Section marker
&copy; © &#169; © Copyright
&laquo; « &#171; « Left angle quotation
&reg; ® &#174; ® Registered trademark
&deg; ° &#176; ° Degree
&plusmn;± &#177; ± Plus/Minus
&para; &#182; Paragraph marker
&raquo; » &#187; » Right angle quotation
&iquest;¿ &#191; ¿ Inverted question mark
&times; × &#215; × Multiplication
&divide;÷ &#247; ÷ Division
&circ; ˆ &#710; ˆ Circumflex accent
&tilde; ˜ &#732; ˜ Small tilde
&ensp; &#8194; En-space
&emsp; &#8195; Em-space
&thinsp;&#8201; Thin space
&zwnj; &#8204; Zero width non-joiner
&zwj; &#8205; Zero width joiner
&lrm; &#8206; Left-to-right mark
&rlm; &#8207; Right-to-left mark
&ndash; &#8211; En-dash
&mdash; &#8212; Em-dash
&lsquo; &#8216; Left single quotation
&rsquo; &#8217; Right single quotation
&sbquo; &#8218; Single low quotation
&ldquo; &#8220; Left double quotation
&rdquo; &#8221; Right double quotation
&bdquo; &#8222; Double low quotation
&dagger;&#8224; Dagger
&Dagger;&#8225; Double dagger
&permil;&#8240; Per mille sign
&lsaquo;&#8249; Single left-pointing angle quotation
&rsaquo;&#8250; Single right-pointing angle quotation
&euro; &#8364; Euro
&bull; &#8226; Bullet
&hellip;&#8230; Horizontal ellipsis
&prime; &#8242; Prime, minutes, feet
&Prime; &#8243; Double prime, seconds, inches
&oline; &#8254; Overline
&frasl; &#8260; Fraction slash
&weierp;&#8472; Script capital P
&image; &#8465; Blackletter I
&real; &#8476; Blackletter R
&trade; &#8482; Trade mark
&alefsym;&#8501; Alef
&larr; &#8592; Leftwards arrow
&uarr; &#8593; Upwards arrow
&rarr; &#8594; Rightwards arrow
&darr; &#8595; Downwards arrow
&harr; &#8596; Left-right arrow
&crarr; &#8629; Carriage return arrow
&lArr; &#8656; Leftwards double arrow
&uArr; &#8657; Upwards double arrow
&rArr; &#8658; Rightwards double arrow
&dArr; &#8659; Downwards double arrow
&hArr; &#8660; Left-right double arrow
Mathematical and logic symbols
Name Character 8bit ASCII Character Definition
&forall;&#8704; For all
&part; &#8706; Partial differential
&exist; &#8707; There exists
&empty; &#8709; Empty set
&nabla; &#8711; Backward difference
&isin; &#8712; Element of
&notin; &#8713; Not an element of
&ni; &#8715; Contains as member
&prod; &#8719; N-ary product
&sum; &#8721; N-ary sumation
&minus; &#8722; Minus sign
&lowast;&#8727; Asterisk operator
&radic; &#8730; Square root
&prop; &#8733; Proportional to
&infin; &#8734; Infinity
&ang; &#8736; Angle
&and; &#8743; Logical and
&or; &#8744; Logical or
&cap; &#8745; Intersection
&cup; &#8746; Union
&int; &#8747; Integral
&there4;&#8756; Therefore
&sim; &#8764; Similar to
&cong; &#8773; Approximately equals
&asymp; &#8776; Asymptotic to
&ne; &#8800; Not equal to
&equiv; &#8801; Identical to
&le; &#8804; Less than or equal to
&ge; &#8805; Greater than or equal to
&sub; &#8834; Subset of
&sup; &#8835; Superset of
&nsub; &#8836; Not a subset of
&sube; &#8838; Subset of or equal to
&supe; &#8839; Superset of or equal to
&oplus; &#8853; Direct sum
&otimes;&#8855; Vector product
&perp; &#8869; Perpendicular
&sdot; &#8901; Dot operator
&lceil; &#8968; Left ceiling
&rceil; &#8969; Right ceiling
&lfloor;&#8970; Left floor
&rfloor;&#8971; Right floor
&lang; &#9001; Left-pointing angle bracket
&rang; &#9002; Right-pointing angle bracket
&loz; &#9674; Lozenge
&spades;&#9824; Spade suit
&clubs; &#9827; Club suit
&hearts;&#9829; Heart suit
&diams; &#9830; Diamond suit